Search Results: Unmanned space mission


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In Darwin's Footsteps - Te Waimate Mission
Article by Kim Martins

In Darwin's Footsteps - Te Waimate Mission

The Bay of Islands is a subtropical region in New Zealand's far north and is a popular destination for big-game fishing, sailing, and dolphin watching. It is an area rich in the history of Maori (Māori in their own language) and European...
Holy Cross Episcopal Mission Used as Hospital at Wounded Knee
Image by A. Johnson

Holy Cross Episcopal Mission Used as Hospital at Wounded Knee

The Holy Cross Episcopal Mission, Wounded Knee, South Dakota, used as a hospital for the wounded Lakota Sioux following the Wounded Knee Massacre.
Te Waimate Mission, New Zealand
Image by Kim Martins

Te Waimate Mission, New Zealand

Three houses of similar design were originally constructed at the Te Waimate Mission in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand. This is the only house still standing on the site and it was built in 1832 CE. This photo was taken in November 2019.
Te Waimate Mission, New Zealand
Image by Kim Martins

Te Waimate Mission, New Zealand

Three houses of similar design were originally constructed at the Te Waimate Mission in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand. This is the only house still standing on the site and it was built in 1832 CE. The photo is a close-up view of the low-pitched...
Sarah Parcak: Archeology from space
Video by TED

Sarah Parcak: Archeology from space In this short talk, TED Fellow Sarah Parcak introduces the field of "space archeology" — using satellite images to search for clues to the lost sites of past civilizations. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of...
The Hubble Space Telescope
Image by Ruffnax - NASA

The Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope which was launched into space by NASA in 1990.
Greek Diplomatic Mission
Image by The Creative Assembly

Greek Diplomatic Mission

An artist's rendition of what a diplomatic mission may have looked like in the ancient Greek world.
Game Review: Aggressors: Ancient Rome
Article by Jan van der Crabben

Game Review: Aggressors: Ancient Rome

Genre: Turn-Based Strategy Audience: Hardcore Strategy Gamers Difficulty: Hard Aggressors: Ancient Rome is a turn-based 4X strategy game in which you control the fate of an ancient...
Saint Patrick
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Saint Patrick

Saint Patrick (5th century) is the best-known patron saint of Ireland and one of the most successful Christian missionaries in history. He is credited with expanding literacy in Ireland through the monastic orders he established, revising...
Operation Chastise
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Operation Chastise

Operation Chastise, the 'Dambusters' raid, was an attack by a squadron of RAF Lancaster bombers on the dams of the Ruhr basin in Germany in May 1943. Led by Squadron Leader Guy Gibson, the bombers breached two dams causing enormous flooding...