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Medieval Folklore
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Medieval Folklore

Medieval folklore is a body of work, originally transmitted orally, which was composed between the 5th and 15th centuries in Europe. Although folktales are a common attribute of every civilization, and such stories were being told by cultures...
Chinese Writing
Definition by Emily Mark

Chinese Writing

Ancient Chinese writing evolved from the practice of divination during the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BCE). Some theories suggest that images and markings on pottery shards found at Ban Po Village are evidence of an early writing system but...
Tom Hopper as Billy Bones
Image by Starz

Tom Hopper as Billy Bones

Tom Hopper as the fictional pirate William "Billy Bones" Manderly in the TV series Black Sails. Billy Jones is a character in Robert Louis Stevenson's 1883 novel Treasure Island. © 2014 Starz
The Resuscitation of the Only Daughter
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Resuscitation of the Only Daughter

The Resuscitation of the Only Daughter is a Sioux story about a young maiden who dies and returns to life, helped by a hunter and his wife, and then lives into old age. The story is open to many interpretations including the concept of fate...
What Caused the French Revolution? - Tom Mullaney
Video by TED-Ed

What Caused the French Revolution? - Tom Mullaney

View full lesson: What rights do people have, and where do they come from? Who gets to make decisions for others, and on what authority? And how can we organize society...
Tom Scott vs Irving Finkel: The Royal Game of Ur | PLAYTHROUGH | International Tabletop Day 2017
Video by The British Museum

Tom Scott vs Irving Finkel: The Royal Game of Ur | PLAYTHROUGH | International Tabletop Day 2017

YouTuber Tom Scott has flown drones through lightning, he’s taken on the first human-powered theme park, he’s even visited Penistone. But he’s never taken on a British Museum curator in the world’s oldest playable board game… UNTIL NOW...
A Teton Ghost Story
Article by Joshua J. Mark

A Teton Ghost Story

A Teton Ghost Story is a tale from the Native American Teton (Tetonwan) of the Oceti Sakowin (People of the Seven Council Fires), better known as the Sioux, on one of the possibilities of the state of the soul after death and how the living...
Article by Joshua J. Mark


Mondamin (also given as Mon-Daw-Min, The Gift of Corn, and The Origin of Corn) is a tale from the Ojibwe Nation on how the people received corn from the Great Spirit through the vision quest of the young man, Wunzh, and his acts of selflessness...
White Buffalo Calf Woman
Article by Joshua J. Mark

White Buffalo Calf Woman

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Ptesan-Wi) is a supernatural entity of the Sioux religion, who serves as an intermediary between Wakan Tanka (Great Mystery or Great Spirit) and the people. According to Sioux lore, she appeared to the people in...
Ten Plagues of Egypt
Definition by Rebecca Denova

Ten Plagues of Egypt

The story of the ten plagues of Egypt is found in chapters 7-12 of the Book of Exodus. The story depicts the natural disasters sent by the God of Israel to convince Pharaoh to let the Hebrew slaves leave Egypt. The narrative purpose of the...