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The Jolly Roger & Other Pirate Flags
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Jolly Roger & Other Pirate Flags

The Jolly Roger with its white skull and crossbones set against a black background has become a rather jovial part of pirate folklore but, in its day, this flag and others with similar blood-curdling designs, had a single and terrifying purpose...
The Maya Calendar and the End of the World: Why the one does not substantiate the other
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Maya Calendar and the End of the World: Why the one does not substantiate the other

The Popol Vuh recounts the story of twins who journeyed to Xibalba. For the Maya, their round of adventures serves as a metaphor for timeless, repeating cycles and for the regeneration of earth and all living things. – Gene S. Stuart, Mayanist...
Ancient Egypt and other Empires // Why did Ancient Egypt never conquer other empires?
Video by Ancient History Encyclopedia

Ancient Egypt and other Empires // Why did Ancient Egypt never conquer other empires?

Ever wondered why Ancient Egypt did not extend far beyond its borders? Why did the Ancient Egyptian Empire not conquer other empires, even during their strongest period? During the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, the Egyptians still did not...
Dogs & Other Pets Through the Ages
Collection by Joshua J. Mark

Dogs & Other Pets Through the Ages

People have been keeping animals as pets since at least the beginning of recorded history and the relationship between humans and their non-human friends seems to have remained more or less the same through the centuries. Dogs, in particular...
Basil I & Leo VI Confront Each Other
Image by Unknown Artist

Basil I & Leo VI Confront Each Other

A 13th century CE illustration showing Byzantine emperor Basil I (r. 867-886 CE) confronting Leo VI, his son, murderer and successor. (Madrid Sklitzes, National Library, Madrid)
The Magonids and other Prominent Carthaginians
Image by M.K. DeVries

The Magonids and other Prominent Carthaginians

This family tree shows all the rulers of Carthage mentioned in extant ancient Greek and Roman sources (and three from a Punic inscription) from circa 550 to 306 BCE. It also indicates the Carthaginian commanders in the seven Greco-Punic Sicilian...
The Ankh, the Djed and other Ancient Egyptian Symbols and their Meanings
Video by Ancient History Encyclopedia

The Ankh, the Djed and other Ancient Egyptian Symbols and their Meanings

Ancient Egyptian Symbols were prolific throughout the region, as a way to convey information to the primarily illiterate society. Symbols such as the Ankh, the Djed, the Wes Sceptre, the Winged Solar Disk and many more were instantly recognisable...
The Puritans Were Not Tolerant of Other Religions
Video by Smithsonian Channel

The Puritans Were Not Tolerant of Other Religions

In 1630, the Puritans fled England to the Massachusetts coast, looking to evade religious persecution. Within 20 years, they had become the persecutors, directing their wrath at the Quakers. From the Series: Aerial America: Boston
Definition by Moros


The ancient Arabians, or Arabes as they were called by the Hellenes, were a Semitic people. One must note that the Arabians were not a single people but multiple smaller kingdoms and tribes. Arabia was home to great city builders and nomads...
The Girl Who Was the Ring
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Girl Who Was the Ring

The Girl Who Was the Ring is a Pawnee legend committed to writing by the anthropologist George Bird Grinnell (l. 1849-1938) in his work The Punishment of the Stingy and Other Indian Stories (1901). The story highlights the Native American...