Search Results: Music entertainment books


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Sports, Games & Entertainment in the Elizabethan Era
Article by Mark Cartwright

Sports, Games & Entertainment in the Elizabethan Era

Leisure activities in the Elizabethan era (1558-1603 CE) became more varied than in any previous period of English history and more professional with what might be called the first genuine entertainment industry providing the public with...
Athletics, Leisure, and Entertainment in Ancient Rome
Article by Steven Fife

Athletics, Leisure, and Entertainment in Ancient Rome

Although much of ancient Roman life revolved around negotium (work and business), there was also time available for otium (leisure). Ranging from swimming to playing board games to attending theatre performances, athletics and forms of entertainment...
Ancient Greek Music
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Ancient Greek Music

Music (or mousike) was an integral part of life in the ancient Greek world, and the term covered not only music but also dance, lyrics, and the performance of poetry. A wide range of instruments was used to perform music which was played...
Index of Prohibited Books
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Index of Prohibited Books

The Index of Prohibited Books (Index Librorum Prohibitorum) was a list of written works condemned as heretical or injurious to the Christian faith by the Catholic Church at the Council of Trent in 1563. It remained in effect until 1966 when...
12 Best Historical Fiction Books to Read
Article by Kim Martins

12 Best Historical Fiction Books to Read

The AHE team live and breathe history, but we all have our favourite historical periods and authors. We thought it would be fun for each of us to nominate one or two books that we would recommend for the general reader as well as high school...
Music & Dance in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Music & Dance in Ancient Egypt

Music and dance were highly valued in ancient Egyptian culture, but they were more important than is generally thought: they were integral to creation and communion with the gods and, further, were the human response to the gift of life and...
Pages from Serlio's Seven Books on Architecture
Image by François de Dijon

Pages from Serlio's Seven Books on Architecture

Pages from 'Seven Books on Architecture' by the Italian Renaissance architect Sebastiano Serlio (c. 1475-1554 CE). 1551-1554 CE. (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich)
Index of Prohibited Books
Image by Drw1

Index of Prohibited Books

Title page of the Index of Prohibited Books (Index Librorum Prohibitorum), published in Rome, 1711. National Library of Slovenia, Ljubljana.
Seven Books of History Against the Pagans
Image by Marcella Medici

Seven Books of History Against the Pagans

Orosius' (5th century CE) Historiae adversus paganos, 1561 CE edition. Available in the BEIC digital library.
16th century CE Desk with Lute, Globe and Books
Image by Hans Holbein the Younger

16th century CE Desk with Lute, Globe and Books

A detail of a mid-16th century CE painting by Hans Holbein the Younger showing a desk with a lute, globe and books. From 'The Ambassadors', c. 1533 CE. (National Gallery, London)