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BBC History Magazine - The Siege of Rochester Castle, 1215
Video by historyextra

BBC History Magazine - The Siege of Rochester Castle, 1215

In light of the release of the film Ironclad, BBC History Magazine visited Rochester Castle to see what evidence remains of the siege today.
Great Exhibition
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Great Exhibition

The 1851 Great Exhibition was held in the purpose-built Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, London, to showcase the latest developments in engineering, science, and the arts, as well as objects of cultural significance from Britain and abroad. Running...
10 Years of Ancient History Encyclopedia
Article by Jan van der Crabben

10 Years of Ancient History Encyclopedia

Ancient History Encyclopedia's CEO Jan van der Crabben writes about the organization's 10-year history. Ancient History Encyclopedia just turned ten! On 25 August 2009, we officially launched the Ancient History Encyclopedia website by...
Interview: Rome Strategy of Empire by James Lacey
Interview by Kelly Macquire

Interview: Rome Strategy of Empire by James Lacey

In this interview, World History Encyclopedia sits down with author James Lacey to chat about his new book Rome: Strategy of Empire published by Oxford University Press. Kelly: Can you tell us a little bit about your background? James...
Underground Rome
Article by Irene Fanizza

Underground Rome

Underground archaeology is a niche topic and is highly specialized. We're talking about simple structures underground, such as those of Roman North Africa (able to withstand the heat), or we can get as extreme, in a mostly urban context...
Ancient Roman Religion
Lesson Pack by Marion Wadowski

Ancient Roman Religion

We have prepared three lesson plans including classroom activities, assignments, homework, and keys as well as: Multiple choice quiz questions in an excel format Glossary of keywords and concepts in an excel format Open questions...
Illustration of Circus Maximus, Rome
Image by Ancient History Magazine / Karwansaray Publishers

Illustration of Circus Maximus, Rome

Illustration of the Circus Maximus in Rome, as it might have appeared in Antiquity by Rocío Espin. Courtesy of Ancient History Magazine / Karwansaray Publishers.
Recreation of the Etemenanki in Babylon
Image by Ancient History Magazine / Karwansaray Publishers

Recreation of the Etemenanki in Babylon

The Etemenanki (Sumerian for: "temple of the foundation of heaven and earth") was a massive ziggurat dedicated to Marduk in ancient Babylon. It is unclear when the Etemenanki was originally constructed, and it is sometimes associated with...
Recreation of Pompeii
Image by Ancient History Magazine / Karwansaray Publishers

Recreation of Pompeii

A painting of Pompeii as it probably appeared before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE. By Rocío Espin. Courtesy of Ancient History Magazine / Karwansaray Publishers.
Ancient Roman Marketplace
Image by Mateusz Przeklasa / Ancient History Magazine

Ancient Roman Marketplace

An artist's impression of what life on an ancient Roman forum (marketplace) would look like. Image by Mateusz Przeklasa, reproduced with permission courtesy of Ancient History Magazine / Karwansaray Publishers.