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Courtly Love
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Courtly Love

Courtly Love (Amour Courtois) refers to an innovative literary genre of poetry of the High Middle Ages (1000-1300 CE) which elevated the position of women in society and established the motifs of the romance genre recognizable in the present...
The World's Oldest Love Poem
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The World's Oldest Love Poem

The world's oldest love poem is The Love Song for Shu-Sin (c. 2000 BCE) composed in ancient Mesopotamia for use in part of the sacred rites of fertility. Prior to its discovery in the 19th century, and its translation in the 20th, the biblical...
Queen Hatshepsut: Daughter of Amun, Pharaoh of Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Queen Hatshepsut: Daughter of Amun, Pharaoh of Egypt

Hatshepsut, whose name means "Foremost of Noble Women" or "First Among Noble Women" (royal name, Ma'at-ka-re, translated as "spirit of harmony and truth") was the fifth ruler of the 18th Dynasty (r. 1479-1458 BCE). She was the daughter of...
The Sioux who Married the Crow Chief's Daughter
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Sioux who Married the Crow Chief's Daughter

The Sioux who Married the Crow Chief's Daughter is a legend of the Lakota Sioux about Chief Big Eagle who left his people to marry a woman of the enemy Crow nation but never forgot the duties owed to his own people. The story highlights the...
Love, Sex, & Marriage in Ancient Rome
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Love, Sex, & Marriage in Ancient Rome

Love, sex, and marriage in ancient Rome were defined by the patriarchy. The head of the household was the father (the pater familias) who had complete control over the lives of his wife, children, and slaves. This paradigm was justified...
Love, Sex, & Marriage in Ancient Greece
Article by Ollie Wells

Love, Sex, & Marriage in Ancient Greece

Love, sex, and marriage in ancient Greece are portrayed in Greek literature as distinct, yet closely intertwined, elements of life. For many upper-class men, marriages did not take place for love, and other relationships, be it with men or...
The Resuscitation of the Only Daughter
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Resuscitation of the Only Daughter

The Resuscitation of the Only Daughter is a Sioux story about a young maiden who dies and returns to life, helped by a hunter and his wife, and then lives into old age. The story is open to many interpretations including the concept of fate...
Love, Sex, & Marriage in Ancient Mesopotamia
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Love, Sex, & Marriage in Ancient Mesopotamia

Medical texts from ancient Mesopotamia provide prescriptions and practices for curing all manner of ailments, wounds, and diseases. There was one malady, however, which had no cure: passionate love. From a medical text found in the Library...
Love, Sex, and Marriage in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Love, Sex, and Marriage in Ancient Egypt

Although marriages in ancient Egypt were arranged for communal stability and personal advancement, there is evidence that romantic love was as important to the people as it is to those in today. Romantic love was a popular theme for poetry...
The World's Oldest Love Poem: The Love Song of Shu-Sin
Video by Kelly Macquire

The World's Oldest Love Poem: The Love Song of Shu-Sin

The World's Oldest Love Poem was discovered in the library of Ashurbanipal in Mesopotamia. Known as the Love Song of Shu-Sin, the World's Oldest Love Poem is about both romantic and erotic love, and was read as a part of a sacred ritual known...