Search Results: Division by zero


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German 6th Panzer Division, 1940
Image by Imperial War Museums

German 6th Panzer Division, 1940

A photograph showing tanks of the German 6th Panzer Division in 1940. (Imperial War Museums)
Division of the Byzantine Empire, 1204 CE.
Image by LatinEmpire

Division of the Byzantine Empire, 1204 CE.

A map indicating the division of the Byzantine Empire following the sack of Constantinople in 1204 CE during the Fourth Crusade.
Division of the Carolingian Empire in 843 & 870 CE
Image by Michael Griffith

Division of the Carolingian Empire in 843 & 870 CE

Map of the Carolingian empire following its division in the 9th Century CE. The Treaty of Verdun in 843 CE partitioned the Kingdom of the Franks into West Francia (green), East Francia (orange), and Middle Francia (yellow) and allocated them...
Division of the Carolingian Empire
Image by Dodd, Mead and Company

Division of the Carolingian Empire

Map of the Carolingian Empire following its division in 843 by the Treaty of Verdun. At the death of Emperor Louis the Pious (r. 813-840), the Kingdom of the Franks was partitioned and allocated to three of his four sons. West Francia (orange...
Division of the Second Triumvirate
Image by ColdEl

Division of the Second Triumvirate

A map showing the areas controlled by different members of Rome's Second Triumvirate of Lepidus (Brown), Octavian (Purple), and Mark Antony (Green) in the 1st century BCE. The light red areas indicate shared control.
Division of the Carolingian Empire in 898
Image by Trasamundo

Division of the Carolingian Empire in 898

Map of the former Carolingian Empire in 898 following its collapse in 887 as a result of the deposition of Emperor Charles the Fat (r. 876-887). The kingdoms were claimed by various regional nobles, each of whom contested the imperial title...
Sword Beach
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Sword Beach

Sword Beach was the easternmost beach of the Allied D-Day Normandy landings of 6 June 1944. The 3rd British Infantry Division was given the task of taking the beach while paratroopers and Royal Marine and French Commando units secured the...
A Day in Pompeii - Full-length animation
Video by Zero One Animation

A Day in Pompeii - Full-length animation A Day in Pompeii, a Melbourne Winter Masterpieces exhibition, was held at Melbourne Museum from 26 June to 25 October 2009. Over 330,000 people visited the exhibition — an average of more than 2,700 per day...
The Wonders of Ancient Mesopotamia
Video by Zero One Animation

The Wonders of Ancient Mesopotamia

Following on from the immensely successful "Day in Pompeii" exhibit, Melbourne Museum again contracted Zero One to create animation that captures the look and feel of the ancient city of Ur. Many weeks of research and consultation with expert...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


D-Day was the first day of Operation Overlord, the Allied attack on German-occupied Western Europe, which began on the beaches of Normandy, France, on 6 June 1944. Primarily US, British, and Canadian troops, with naval and air support, attacked...