Search Results: Bryan ferry


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Top 5 'Deep-Dive' Virtual Shipwrecks
Article by Kim Martins

Top 5 'Deep-Dive' Virtual Shipwrecks

According to UNESCO, an estimated three million shipwrecks are scattered in the oceans’ deep canyons, trenches, and coral reefs and remain undiscovered. These shipwrecks preserve historical information and provide clues about how people lived...
Burlington Bay Horse Ferry
Video by Lake Champlain Maritime Museum

Burlington Bay Horse Ferry

In 1983 CE, an almost intact horse-powered boat or ferry was discovered in Burlington Bay. Known as the Burlington Bay Horse Ferry, it is an example of the type of vessel that was a popular form of transportation across the lake between Vermont...
Horse Ferry
Image by Unknown

Horse Ferry

An example of a horse-powered ferry. This photo was taken in Chillicothe Ohio in 1900 CE, and is a wooden team boat powered by two horses on treadmills, connected to side paddlewheels.
Interrelations of Kerma and Pharaonic Egypt
Article by P. DeMola

Interrelations of Kerma and Pharaonic Egypt

The vacillating nature of Ancient Egypt's associations with the Kingdom of Kerma may be described as one of expansion and contraction; a virtual tug-of-war between rival cultures. Structural changes in Egypt's administration led to alternating...
Battle of Waxhaws
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Battle of Waxhaws

The Battle of Waxhaws (29 May 1780) was a small engagement during the southern theater of the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) that nevertheless had a significant psychological impact on the Patriots. During the battle, Lt. Colonel...
God's Wife of Amun
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

God's Wife of Amun

The position of God's Wife of Amun was one of the most politically powerful and spiritually significant in later Egyptian history. Elevated from a figurehead in the New Kingdom (c.1570-1069 BCE), the God's Wife of Amun would hold power equal...
The Red Handprints of Cozumel & Tulum
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Red Handprints of Cozumel & Tulum

The Maya sites of San Gervasio (on the island of Cozumel) and Tulum (on the mainland of Mexico in Quintana Roo) are often overlooked for the better-known Chichen Itza or other spectacular ruins further inland but both these locations have...
Dunkirk Evacuation
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Dunkirk Evacuation

The Dunkirk Evacuation of 26 May to 4 June 1940, known as Operation Dynamo, was the attempt to save the British Expeditionary Force in France from total defeat by an advancing German army. Nearly 1,000 naval and civilian craft of all kinds...
Chinvat Bridge
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Chinvat Bridge

The Chinvat Bridge is the span between the world of the living and the afterlife in the ancient Persian religion of Zoroastrianism. It is also known as Cinvat Bridge, Cinvad Bridge, and Chinvato Peretav. Every soul, after death, was thought...
Image by William Jennings Bryan, Francis Whiting Halsey


Bust of Nicias, Athenian politician (c. 470-413 BCE). Illustration from World's Famous Orations, Vol. 1. by William Jennings Bryan, Francis Whiting Halsey.