Search Results: Bound betrayal severed signet maldonado


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Prometheus Bound
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Prometheus Bound

The Greek dramatist Aeschylus (c. 525 - c. 456 BCE) is considered one of the greatest tragic playwrights of his generation. He is often referred to as the “Father of Greek Tragedy.” Older than both Sophocles and Euripides, he was the most...
The Bound Children
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Bound Children

The Bound Children is a Sioux legend highlighting the importance of proper behavior, not only among family members but within one's community. The widow, who does not properly care for her children, is punished, along with those who support...
The Price of Greed: Hannibal's Betrayal by Carthage
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Price of Greed: Hannibal's Betrayal by Carthage

Hannibal Barca (l. 247-183 BCE), the brilliant Carthaginian general of the Second Punic War (218-202 BCE), had the military talent, expertise, and skill to have won the conflict but was denied the resources by his government. The Carthaginian...
Tiryns Gold Signet Ring
Image by Zde

Tiryns Gold Signet Ring

Engraved gold signet ring from Tiryns, c. 15th century BCE. National Archaeological Museum, Athens. The largest ring (7.5 × 3.5 cm) handed down to us from the Mycenaean civilization, the Tiryns signet ring flags up the strong vein of...
Fenrir Bound
Image by Mabel Dorothy Hardy

Fenrir Bound

An illustration showing Fenrir, the great wolf of Norse mythology trying to escape from his bindings. (From Guerber, H. A., 'Myths of the Norsemen from the Eddas and Sagas'. London, Harrap, 1909)
Signet Ring of Edward the Black Prince
Image by Jastrow

Signet Ring of Edward the Black Prince

The gold and ruby signet ring of Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376). Louvre Museum, Paris.
Signet Ring of Childeric I
Image by Unknown

Signet Ring of Childeric I

A copy of the signet ring found in the tomb of King Childeric I (c. 458-481), which bears his likeness. The original was lost in 1831 when the treasure from Childeric's tomb was stolen.
Byzantine Signet Ring
Image by British Museum

Byzantine Signet Ring

Gold signet ring with fluted loop. The octagonal bezel is engraved with the name Manuel, in Greek. Diameter: 26.5 mm. Length: 11.3 mm. Weight: 13.7 g. (British Museum, London)
Relief of the Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Relief of the Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus

Four key events in the final hours of Jesus’ life are dramatically shown here (from left to right): Peter sheathing his sword after severing the ear of Malchus (seated), the high priest’s servant; Jesus miraculously restoring the ear; Judas...
Chinese Shoe for a Bound Foot
Image by Vassil

Chinese Shoe for a Bound Foot

A Chinese silk shoe designed to be worn by a woman with bound-feet. 18th century CE. (Musées du château des Rohan, Musée Louise Weiss, Saverne, France)