Search Results: Cu Chulainn


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Cú Chulainn
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Cú Chulainn

Cú Chulainn (pron. Koo-kul-in), also Cúchulainn, is one of the greatest heroes of Irish-Celtic mythology, particularly the Ulster Cycle. The son of another cultural hero-figure, Lugh, Cú Chulainn is a mighty warrior whose weapon is Gáe Bolga...
The Mórrigan
Definition by Mark Cartwright

The Mórrigan

The Mórrigan (also Morrighan, Môr-Riogain or Morrigu), usually referred to with the definite article, was a great warrior-queen goddess in Irish-Celtic mythology. She was most associated with inciting war, then stirring up the...
Cú Chulainn in his Chariot
Image by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

Cú Chulainn in his Chariot

A modern illustration of the Irish-Celtic hero Cú Chulainn, one of the chief characters in the Ulster Cycle. By Joseph Christian Leyendecker, c. 1911 CE. (From 'Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race' by T. W. Rolleston)
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Lugh (also Lug, Luga) was one of the most important Celtic gods, particularly in Ireland, and he represented the sun and light. Although originating as an all-wise and all-seeing deity, Lugh was later thought of as a historical figure, great...
Statue of the Dying Cu Chulainn
Image by David Brossard

Statue of the Dying Cu Chulainn

A statue of the Irish-Celtic cultural hero Cú Chulainn, the chief character of the Ulster Cycle. By Oliver Sheppard, 1935 CE. (General Post Office, Dublin)
Celtic Feasts
Article by Mark Cartwright

Celtic Feasts

Feasts were an important part of ancient Celtic culture which marked important dates in the calendar and community successes. They were, too, an opportunity to display social status and, of course, eat and drink aplenty. Drunkenness and brawling...
The Dagda
Definition by Mark Cartwright

The Dagda

The Dagda (also Daghda, Daghdha, Dagdae, or Dagda Mór), usually written with the definite article, is one of the most important gods in Irish-Celtic mythology. He appears as a multi-talented warrior-leader of the Tuatha Dé Dannan, invaders...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Newgrange is a Neolithic monument located in the region of Bru na Boinne, County Meath, Ireland. The name is fairly modern and comes from the 'newer' grange (farm) of the monks of Mellifont Abbey near Drogheda 8 miles (14 km) north. Although...
Lebor Gabála Erenn
Definition by Jeffrey King

Lebor Gabála Erenn

The Lebor Gabála Érenn or The Book of the Taking of Ireland, is a pseudo-historical collection of poetry and prose narrative which was first compiled in the 11th Century CE. The Lebor Gabála centers around an origin myth...
Celtic Warrior
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Celtic Warrior

The warriors of Celtic Europe were amongst the most distinctive of any fighters in the ancient world. With their great height, long hair and moustaches, frequent nakedness, painted and tattooed bodies, and fondness for collecting enemy heads...