Search Results: Winter olympics


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A Day in Pompeii - Full-length animation
Video by Zero One Animation

A Day in Pompeii - Full-length animation A Day in Pompeii, a Melbourne Winter Masterpieces exhibition, was held at Melbourne Museum from 26 June to 25 October 2009. Over 330,000 people visited the exhibition — an average of more than 2,700 per day...
The Jolly Roman Festival of Saturnalia
Video by Kelly Macquire

The Jolly Roman Festival of Saturnalia

Did you know that the festive greeting Io Saturnalia to the Romans was much like Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays is to us today? This video is all about the earliest predecessor to Christmas, the Roman festival of Saturnalia. The Ancient...
The History of New Zealand's Matariki: Maori New Year and Star Cluster
Video by Kelly Macquire

The History of New Zealand's Matariki: Maori New Year and Star Cluster

Matariki is the name of a star cluster that can be seen from New Zealand in the early morning of the months in mid-winter. New Zealand's Matariki is the name for the Maori New Year and the star cluster. It is one of the brightest star clusters...
The Greek Long Jump
Video by The British Museum

The Greek Long Jump

The long jump was the only type of jumping contest in the ancient Olympics. It differed vitally from our long jump in that athletes used pairs of weights or halteres, swung forward on take-off and back just before landing, probably as a handicap...
Victorious athlete: The Vaison Daidoumenos
Video by The British Museum

Victorious athlete: The Vaison Daidoumenos

Winners in the ancient Olympics were allowed to set up statues of themselves at Olympia. If they won three times they could set up specially commissioned portrait statues which could cost up to ten times the average yearly wage. British...
Food & Drink in the Elizabethan Era
Article by Mark Cartwright

Food & Drink in the Elizabethan Era

Food and drink in the Elizabethan era was remarkably diverse with much more meat and many more varieties of it being eaten by those who could afford it than is the case today. Storage of food was still a problem and so fresh produce was grown...
Thanksgiving Day: A Brief History
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Thanksgiving Day: A Brief History

The United States holiday of Thanksgiving is generally understood to be inspired by the harvest feast celebrated by the citizens of Plymouth Colony (later known as pilgrims) and the Native Americans of the Wampanoag Confederacy in the fall...
A History of Svalbard
Article by Kim Martins

A History of Svalbard

Svalbard is an archipelago in the Arctic Ocean on the northwest corner of the Barents Shelf. It is 800 kilometres (497 mi) north of mainland Norway and sits roughly midway between the top of Norway and the North Pole. It is bordered by Greenland...
Mark Antony's Parthian Campaign
Article by Oxford University Press

Mark Antony's Parthian Campaign

In 36 BCE, Mark Antony (83-30 BCE) invaded Parthia, hoping to render himself one of the great conquerors of the Greco-Roman world, but he was stymied by Parthian forces and obliged to undertake an arduous, costly retreat. What to make of...
William the Conqueror & the Ely Rebellion
Article by Mark Cartwright

William the Conqueror & the Ely Rebellion

By early 1070 CE William I (r. 1066-1087 CE) had almost completed the Norman conquest of England. There remained threats from the border regions with Wales and Scotland but the north of England had finally be subdued by the ruthless harrying...