Search Results: Operation downfall


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Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Anaxagoras (l. c. 500-c. 428 BCE) was a Pre-Socratic Greek philosopher who claimed the First Cause of existence was Mind (nous) and all things were constituted of indestructible “seeds” (or “stuff”), originally a single mass, separated and...
Clergy, Priests & Priestesses in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Clergy, Priests & Priestesses in Ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians understood that their gods had prevailed over the forces of chaos through the creation of the world and relied upon humanity's help to maintain it. The people of Mesopotamia held this same belief but felt they were co-workers...
Battle of Ad Decimum
Article by Nathan Stafford

Battle of Ad Decimum

The Battle of Ad Decimum near Carthage, North Africa took place in September 533 CE and was the first major battle of the Vandalic War (533 - 534 CE) between the forces of the Byzantine Empire and the Vandal Kingdom. Leading the Vandals was...
Lancaster Dropping Bombs
Image by Unknown Photographer

Lancaster Dropping Bombs

A wartime photograph of an Avro Lancaster bomber dropping its bombload during the Second World War (1939-45).
RAF Bomber Target Indicators, Hamburg
Image by RAF Photographer

RAF Bomber Target Indicators, Hamburg

A shower of target indicators (TIs) dropped during the RAF bombing raids of the German city of Hamburg in July-August 1943. The raid caused a firestorm which killed over 44,000 civilians. (Imperial War Museums Collection)
Lancaster Bomber over Hamburg
Image by Ian Dunster

Lancaster Bomber over Hamburg

A photograph of an Avro Lancaster bomber over the German city of Hamburg during a bombing raid of the Second World War (1939-45). (Imperial War Museums Collection)
Spartan Women
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Spartan Women

Spartan women had more rights and enjoyed greater autonomy than women in any other Greek city-state of the Classical Period (5th-4th centuries BCE). Women could inherit property, own land, make business transactions, and were better educated...
Mesopotamian Education
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Mesopotamian Education

Mesopotamian education was invented by the Sumerians following the creation of writing c. 3500 BCE. The earliest schools were attached to temples but later established in separate buildings in which the scribes of ancient Mesopotamia learned...
Cultural & Theological Background of Mummification in Egypt
Article by John S. Knox

Cultural & Theological Background of Mummification in Egypt

Many myths and falsehoods concerning the Egyptian practice of mummification have been promoted to the general public in movies, television shows, and documentaries. While these offerings are entertaining and fascinating to watch, the purposes...
Seven Notorious Women Pirates
Article by Mark Cartwright

Seven Notorious Women Pirates

In this article, we look at the lives and deeds of seven notorious women pirates. There is Teuta, the Balkan enemy of ancient Rome; Alwilda, the Scandinavian princess who chose a life of crime on the High Seas; Maria Lindsey, who terrorized...