Search Results: Anglo irish


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Cliffs, Caves, Churches: A Weekend in Doolin, Ireland
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Cliffs, Caves, Churches: A Weekend in Doolin, Ireland

County Clare, Ireland, is best known for the Cliffs of Moher, the ancient dolmen of Poulnabrone, and its rich musical heritage, but it offers many other fascinating sites and, most importantly, the hospitality and warmth of the people in...
Diversity in Church Architecture in Medieval England
Article by Nick Miller

Diversity in Church Architecture in Medieval England

Medieval English churches differed in size and layout. Their original and evolving role(s), financial and material resources, and architectural fashions helped determine variability. However, their look ultimately grew from a constant symbiosis...
Definition by Wesley Fiorentino


Gildas (c. 500-570 CE) was a Romano-British monk, known primarily for a work entitled De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae, translated as On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain. Gildas' work is a polemical sermon recounting British history while...
Anglo-Powhatan Wars | 3 Minute History
Video by Jabzy

Anglo-Powhatan Wars | 3 Minute History

A brief discussion of the Anglo-Powhatan Wars sponsored by Great Courses.
Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians

Aethelflaed (r. 911-918 CE) was the daughter of King Alfred the Great of Wessex (r. 871-899 CE) and became queen of Mercia following the death of her husband Aethelred II, Lord of the Mercians (r. 883-911 CE). She is best known as the “Lady...
William the Conqueror
Definition by Mark Cartwright

William the Conqueror

William the Conqueror (c. 1027-1087), also known as William, Duke of Normandy, led the Norman Conquest of England in 1066 when he defeated and killed his rival Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings. Crowned King William I of England...
Retreat from Kabul in 1842
Article by Mark Cartwright

Retreat from Kabul in 1842

The Retreat from Kabul in 1842 was one of the most notorious disasters in the history of the British Empire. An East India Company army had invaded Afghanistan but was obliged to withdraw. This army of 4,500 soldiers and 12,000 camp followers...
The Mórrigan
Definition by Mark Cartwright

The Mórrigan

The Mórrigan (also Morrighan, Môr-Riogain or Morrigu), usually referred to with the definite article, was a great warrior-queen goddess in Irish-Celtic mythology. She was most associated with inciting war, then stirring up the...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Lancelot, also known as Sir Lancelot and Lancelot du Lac (“Lancelot of the Lake”) is the greatest knight of King Arthur's court and lover of Arthur's wife, Queen Guinevere, best known from Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur (1469 CE...
Saint Gall
Definition by James Blake Wiener

Saint Gall

Saint Gall (c. 550 - c. 645 CE), also known as Saint Gallus, was an Irish monk who lived in what is present-day Switzerland during the 6th century CE and was one of twelve companions of Saint Columbanus' Christian mission to the European...