Search Results: Anglo-Powhatan Wars


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Reconstructed Powhatan Village
Image by Nationalparks

Reconstructed Powhatan Village

A reconstructed Powhatan village at the Jamestowne Settlement Living History Museum, Jamestown, Virginia, USA. The reconstruction is based on accounts by English settlers of the 17th century CE who interacted with the Powhatans. The Powhatan...
Powhatan's Mantle
Image by E. T. Shelton

Powhatan's Mantle

Powhatan's Mantle, lithography of the deerskin shirt said to have been worn by Chief Powhatan (l. c. 1547 - c. 1618 CE), leader of the Powhatan Confederacy. Image cropped from plate XX of “Notes on Powhatan’s Mantle, Preserved in the Ashmolean...
Consequences of the English Civil Wars
Article by Mark Cartwright

Consequences of the English Civil Wars

The impact and consequences of the English Civil Wars (1642-1651) were many and far-reaching. Charles I of England (r. 1625-1649) was executed, and the monarchy was abolished. Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) then headed the Republic as the Lord...
Anglo-Saxon Clothing, 6-9th century CE
Image by Albert Kretschmer

Anglo-Saxon Clothing, 6-9th century CE

An illustration of the typical clothing worn by Anglo-Saxons in medieval England, c. 500 - c. 1000 CE. ('Costumes of all Nations', 1882 CE)
Intaglio Finger-Ring from Anglo-Saxon England
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Intaglio Finger-Ring from Anglo-Saxon England

In early Anglo-Saxon England, the highest status men were buried with unique and luxurious items, like this gold finger-ring set with an engraved Roman gem (intaglio). The gem itself dates back to around the 1st century CE while the ring...
Tobacco & Colonial American Economy
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Tobacco & Colonial American Economy

The most important cash crop in Colonial America was tobacco, first cultivated by the English at their Jamestown Colony of Virginia in 1610 CE by the merchant John Rolfe (l. 1585-1622 CE). Tobacco grew in the wild prior to this time and was...
Kingdom of Magadha: Wars and Warfare
Article by Dr Avantika Lal

Kingdom of Magadha: Wars and Warfare

In ancient India from the 6th century BCE onwards, the kingdom of Magadha (6th century BCE to 4th century BCE) made a mark for itself. Located in the eastern part of India in what is today the state of Bihar, it outshone other kingdoms and...
Ancient Britain
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Britain

Ancient Britain was a landmass on the northwest of the continent of Europe first occupied by humans c. 800,000 years ago prior to it becoming an island c. 6000 BCE due to flooding which separated it from the mainland. Agriculture began to...
William the Conqueror's Harrying of the North
Article by Mark Cartwright

William the Conqueror's Harrying of the North

By the end of 1066 CE William the Conqueror had won a decisive victory at the Battle of Hastings, subdued the south-east of England and been crowned King William I in Westminster Abbey but there remained rebellion in the air throughout 1067...
Legions of the Dacian Wars
Article by Donald L. Wasson

Legions of the Dacian Wars

The Dacian Wars started after Decebalus (r. c. 87-106 CE) raided the Roman province of Moesia in 85 CE. Emperor Domitian's (r. 81-96 CE) Dacian campaigns in 86-87 CE reached an uneasy peace, but the conflict was renewed under the reign of...