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Palatine - An Alternative History of the Caesars with Peter Stothard
Video by Kelly Macquire

Palatine - An Alternative History of the Caesars with Peter Stothard

A unique and entertaining history of the Roman Empire's first dynasty 14 CE: The first Roman emperor is dead. A second is about to succeed. The Forum of Rome, once fought over so fiercely, has become hardly more than a museum. The house...
Definition by Liana Miate


Tsar (also czar) is a Slavic term derived from the Latin caesar. Ivan III (Ivan the Great) (r. 1462-1505) was the first Russian ruler to begin using the title of tsar during his reign instead of the title Grand Prince of Moscow. His grandson...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Giotto di Bondone (b. 1267 or 1277 - d. 1337 CE), usually referred to as simply Giotto, was an Italian painter and architect whose work was hugely influential in the history of Western art. Giotto is most famous today for the cycle of frescoes...
Interview: Pre-Raphaelites: Modern Renaissance
Interview by James Blake Wiener

Interview: Pre-Raphaelites: Modern Renaissance

Pre-Raphaelites: Modern Renaissance marks the first multidisciplinary exhibition in Italy to examine the profound impact of Italian Renaissance art on the Pre-Raphaelite movement, which flourished in Victorian and Edwardian Britain (c. 1840-1920...
Exsurge Domine
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Exsurge Domine

Exsurge Domine (“Arise, O Lord” in Latin) is a papal bull issued 15 June 1520 by Pope Leo X (served 1513-1521) condemning Martin Luther’s 95 Theses as heresy along with any other works by Luther or those who supported him. Luther burned the...
Reforms of Catherine the Great
Article by Liana Miate

Reforms of Catherine the Great

Catherine II of Russia (Catherine the Great) was the empress regent of Russia from 1762 to 1796. During the mid-18th century, Russia was still regarded as culturally behind compared to Western European countries. However, during her reign...
Donato Bramante
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Donato Bramante

Donato Bramante (c. 1444-1514 CE) was an Italian Renaissance architect whose most famous project was the design for a new Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome, even if this work remained unfinished at his death. Bramante had also designed the influential...
The Gospels
Definition by Rebecca Denova

The Gospels

The New Testament contains four gospels attributed to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The four gospels are not biographies of Jesus, nor are they history as we define it. What each gospel attempted to do was write a theological explanation...
Pope Joan
Definition by Peter Kauffner

Pope Joan

Pope Joan was a legendary female pope of the Middle Ages said to have reigned from 855 to 858. After her story was popularized by Italian writer Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), a statue of her was placed alongside those of other popes at...
Travelling Along the Lycian Way
Article by Theresa Thompson

Travelling Along the Lycian Way

The Lycian Way follows over 540km (335 miles) of ancient roadways, mule tracks and shepherds' paths along one of Turkey's most remote and untouched coastlines. Theresa Thompson discovers the joys of following the trail and finding the ancient...