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Hellenistic Astrology
Definition by Arienne King

Hellenistic Astrology

Hellenistic astrology encompassed various forms of divination in Greece and the Mediterranean, all linked to the observation of astronomical phenomena. Hellenistic astrology was based on the belief that the stars and planets could either...
Western Astrology
Definition by Arienne King

Western Astrology

Western astrology refers to a form of divination based on the motion of astronomical objects such as stars or planets. The belief that astronomical objects are divine or influence events on Earth is found in many cultures, but the practices...
Thomas Aquinas
Definition by Nathan Huffine

Thomas Aquinas

Saint Thomas Aquinas (l. 1225-1274, also known as the "Ox of Sicily" and the "Angelic Doctor") was a Dominican friar, mystic, theologian, and philosopher, all at once. Although he lived a relatively short life, dying at age 49, Thomas occupied...
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) was a German polymath who became well-known across Europe for his work, particularly in the fields of science, mathematics, and philosophy. Leibniz's rationalist philosophy attempted to reconcile traditional...
James II of England
Definition by Mark Cartwright

James II of England

James II of England (r. 1685-1688) reigned briefly as the king of England, Scotland, and Ireland until he was deposed by the Glorious Revolution of November 1688. James, also known as James VII of Scotland, was the fourth Stuart monarch...
Zeno of Elea
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Zeno of Elea

Zeno of Elea (l. c.465 BCE) was a Greek philosopher of the Eleatic School and a student of the elder philosopher Parmenides (l.c. 485 BCE) whose work influenced the philosophy of Socrates (l. c. 470/469-399 BCE). Zeno and Parmenides are both...
Antisthenes of Athens
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Antisthenes of Athens

Antisthenes of Athens (l. c. 445-365 BCE) was a Greek philosopher who founded the Cynic School. He was a follower of Socrates and appears in Plato's Phaedo as one of those present at Socrates' death. He is also one of the primary interlocutors...
Melissus of Samos
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Melissus of Samos

Melissus of Samos (l. c. 5th century BCE) was a Greek philosopher of the Eleatic School, considered the third great proponent of that philosophy's claim that reality is One, after Parmenides (l. c. 485 BCE) and Zeno of Elea (l. c. 465 BCE...
Allied Bombing of Germany
Article by Mark Cartwright

Allied Bombing of Germany

The Allied strategic bombing of Germany during World War II (1939-45) involved British and U.S. bomber planes attacking industrial cities, factories, railways, airfields, and dams. Over 600,000 civilians died as a consequence. The campaign...
Roman Students in Athens
Article by Laura Kate C. McCormack

Roman Students in Athens

Training in oratory was a crucial part of Roman education; it was associated with a young boy's transition into adult life. As Athens was considered the intellectual centre of the eastern Mediterranean, many students undertook long journeys...