Search Results: Provinces of france


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King John of England & Philip II of France
Image by British Library

King John of England & Philip II of France

An illumination from a 14th Century CE manuscript of the "Grandes Chroniques de France", depicting King John of England (r. 1199 - 1216 CE) paying homage to Philip II of France (r. 1180 - 1223 CE). Made in Paris, France c. 1332 - 1350...
Isabella of France Arrives in Paris
Image by Jean Froissart

Isabella of France Arrives in Paris

Meeting between Isabella of France, Queen of England, and her brother, Charles IV of France, in 1325, illustration from Froissart's Chronicles, c. 1475. National Library of France, Paris.
Statue of Francis I of France
Image by Mark Cartwright

Statue of Francis I of France

A statue of Francis I of France (r. 1515-1547 CE) in Cognac, France. The French king was born in the town in 1494 CE.
The Comte d'Artois, Later Charles X of France
Image by Henri-Pierre Danloux

The Comte d'Artois, Later Charles X of France

Charles Philippe de France, comte d'Artois (1757-1836), during the French Revolution, oil on canvas painting by Henri-Pierre Danloux, 1798. As the youngest brother of King Louis XVI, Artois was one of the first emigres to flee France after...
John I of England Battling Philip II of France
Image by British Library

John I of England Battling Philip II of France

An illumination from a 14th Century CE manuscript of the "Grandes Chroniques de France", depicting a battle between John I of England (r. 1199 - 1216 CE) and Philip II of France (r. 1180 - 1223 CE). Both kings are recognizable by their coats...
Septimius Severus
Definition by Patrick Hurley

Septimius Severus

Lucius Septimius Severus was Roman emperor from April 193 to February 211 CE. He was of Libyan descent from Lepcis Magna and came from a locally prominent Punic family who had a history of rising to senatorial as well as consular status...
Crown & Salamander Symbol of Francis I of France
Image by Mark Cartwright

Crown & Salamander Symbol of Francis I of France

The crown and salamander symbol used by Francis I of France (r. 1515-1547 CE). From the Château d'Amboise, France.
Ten Minute History - The Dutch Revolt (Short Documentary)
Video by History Matters

Ten Minute History - The Dutch Revolt (Short Documentary)

This episode of Ten Minute History (like a documentary, only shorter) covers the rise of Calvinism in the Spanish Seventeen Provinces and the subsequent outbreak of the Dutch Revolt/Eighty Years' War. William the Silent led the United Provinces'...
Isabella of France and Her Army
Image by British Library

Isabella of France and Her Army

Isabella of France and her army with the body of Hugh Despenser in the background, illustration from a 15th-century manuscript by Jean Pichore, Royal MS 15 E IV, f. 316v. British Library, London.
Francis I of France
Image by Jean Clouet 

Francis I of France

Portrait of Francis I of France (r. 1515-1547), oil and oak wood by Jean Clouet, between 1527 and 1530. Louvre, Paris.