Search Results: Jack adams


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Portrait of John Adams, c. 1766
Image by Benjamin Blyth

Portrait of John Adams, c. 1766

A 1766 portrait of John Adams (1735-1826), an American lawyer, diplomat, and future President of the United States. This portrait was made four years before Adams successfully defended the British soldiers accused of firing on colonists in...
Jolly Roger of Calico Jack
Image by RootOfAllLight

Jolly Roger of Calico Jack

The Jolly Roger of 'Calico Jack', aka John Rackham (d. 1720). The English captain, who was active in the Caribbean, had Anne Bonny and Mary Read amongst his crew.
Noah in the Bible and the Qur'an | Jack Miles
Video by Emir-Stein Center

Noah in the Bible and the Qur'an | Jack Miles

CC: Cultures are often revealed through the stories they hand down through generations. Every civilization has foundational ones. Among the stories many cultures tell, we find tales of a great flood, but the story of Noah’s flood captured...
Conway Cabal
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Conway Cabal

The Conway Cabal was a movement undertaken by American military officers and political leaders to remove General George Washington from command of the Continental Army during the winter of 1777-78. These Patriot leaders had lost confidence...
Portrait of Samuel Adams
Image by John Singleton Copley

Portrait of Samuel Adams

Portrait of Samuel Adams (1722-1803) a politician from Massachusetts and an American Founding Father. Oil on canvas portrait by John Singleton Copley, c. 1772. Museum of Fine Arts Boston.
Governor Samuel Adams
Image by Graham

Governor Samuel Adams

Portrait of Samuel Adams as he looked in 1795, as governor of Massachusetts, mezzotint by an artist with the surname Graham in 1797, based on a lost portrait by Major John Johnson.
A brief history of goths - Dan Adams
Video by TED-Ed

A brief history of goths - Dan Adams

View full lesson: What do fans of atmospheric post-punk music have in common with ancient barbarians? Not much ... so why are both known as “goths”? Is it a weird coincidence...
Intolerable Acts
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Intolerable Acts

The Intolerable Acts, also known as the Coercive Acts, were five laws passed by the Parliament of Great Britain in 1774 to punish the Thirteen Colonies of British North America for the Boston Tea Party. Though the acts primarily targeted...
Image by macwagen


Pumpkins carved for Halloween.
Merrymount Colony
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Merrymount Colony

Merrymount Colony (1624-1630 CE) was a settlement first established in New England as Mount Wollaston in 1624 CE but renamed Mount Ma-re (referred to as Merrymount) in 1626 CE by the lawyer, writer, and colonist Thomas Morton (l. c. 1579-1647...