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Inka Engineering Symposium 5: Khipu & the Inka Empire
Video by SmithsonianNMAI

Inka Engineering Symposium 5: Khipu & the Inka Empire

In Part 5 of Engineering the Inka Empire: A Symposium on Sustainability and Ancient Technologies, Gary Urton presents Engineering a World with Strings Attached: The Place of the Khipu in Building the Inka Empire. The knotted-string recording...
The Funeral of a Viking
Image by Frank Dicksee (1853-1928)

The Funeral of a Viking

Painting by Frank Dicksee (1853-1928 CE) titled "The Funeral of a Viking", showing a Viking being cremated on a ship pushed out to sea. The painting resides at the Manchester Art Gallery in the UK. Historically, although burial became...
The Attack on Black Kettle's Cheyenne Camp
Image by Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper

The Attack on Black Kettle's Cheyenne Camp

The Attack on Black Kettle's Cheyenne Camp, an illustration of the Washita Massacre/Battle of Washita of November 1868, from Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, NY, New York, December 1868.
Chester's Roman Amphitheatre
Image by One Red Shoe, Murals & Artwork

Chester's Roman Amphitheatre

Hand-painted trompe l'oeil mural in Chester's Roman amphitheatre by Gary Drostle. Amphitheatre dates from the 1st century CE.
Parthia: Rome's Ablest Competitor
Article by Patrick Scott Smith, M. A.

Parthia: Rome's Ablest Competitor

As a superpower in its own right and in competition with Rome, Parthia's empire - ruling from 247 BCE to 224 CE - stretched between the Mediterranean in the west to India in the east. Not only did the Parthians win battles against Rome they...
Chester: A Time-Travelling City
Article by Rachael Lindsay

Chester: A Time-Travelling City

It is said that Chester is the richest city in Britain in terms of archaeological and architectural treasures. One of the finest strategic outposts of the Roman Empire, it is one of the few walled cities left in Britain today. Rachael Lindsay...
Battle of Aliwal
Article by Mark Cartwright

Battle of Aliwal

The Battle of Aliwal on 28 January 1846 saw the British East India Company (EIC) defeat the Sikh Empire. One of four major battles during the First Anglo-Sikh War (1845-6), Aliwal was a decisive victory where the EIC's Bengal Lancers cavalry...
The Legacy of the Etruscans
Video by Fortean Studies

The Legacy of the Etruscans

Historian Gary Biltcliffe presents a lecture on the Etruscan civilization and its connection with other ancient civilizations. Subject areas include: megalithic stonework, pyramids, art, architecture, religion, alphabet, and the value of...
The Invention of the First Coinage in Ancient Lydia
Article by Frank L. Holt / Oxford University Press

The Invention of the First Coinage in Ancient Lydia

Money may take many forms, from the digital code of cryptocurrency to the woodpecker scalps favoured in early California. People have also used cattle, cacao beans, cowrie shells, chewing gum, grain, and giant stones as money. Early cultures...
Treasure Hoards in Ancient Literature
Article by Frank Holt / Oxford University Press

Treasure Hoards in Ancient Literature

Aristophanes wrote in the 5th century BCE about coin hoards in Athens. He joked about the common saying, "No one knows but the birds where I hid my money," which led buffoons in his play to follow birds around with a shovel, hoping to excavate...