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Minoan Civilization
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Minoan Civilization

The Minoan civilization flourished in the Middle Bronze Age (c. 2000 - c. 1450 BCE) on the island of Crete located in the eastern Mediterranean. With their unique art and architecture, and the spread of their ideas through contact with other...
Bronze Tripod Cauldron, Mycenae
Image by Mark Cartwright

Bronze Tripod Cauldron, Mycenae

Mycenaean bronze tripod cauldron (1180-1050 BCE), Mycenae. Archaeological Museum, Mycenae.
Bronze Horse Bit with Winged Goats from Western Iran
Image by National Museum of Iran

Bronze Horse Bit with Winged Goats from Western Iran

Luristan Bronze artefact from Iron Age II or III, c. 950-650 BCE. National Museum of Iran, Tehran. Acc. no. 3915, Photograph by Nima Fakourzadeh (Baloot Noghrei) In archaeology, the cast objects with bronze decorations...
10 Maps of Bronze Age Empires
Image Gallery by Simeon Netchev

10 Maps of Bronze Age Empires

During the Bronze Age, which spanned roughly from 3300 BCE to 1200 BCE, several powerful empires emerged, shaping the course of early civilization. In this collection of ten maps, we take a look at the empires that flourished in regions such...
Bronze Age Mediterranean Invasions & Migrations
Image by Alexikoua

Bronze Age Mediterranean Invasions & Migrations

A map of the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean indicating the various invasions and migrations of the period.
Bronze Tripod, Mycenae
Image by Mark Cartwright

Bronze Tripod, Mycenae

A Mycenaean bronze tripod from Grave IV, Grave Circle A, Mycenae, 16th Century BCE. (National Archaeological Museum, Athens)
Bronze Drachm and Half-Drachm of Trajan
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Bronze Drachm and Half-Drachm of Trajan

The bronze drachm of Trajan (r. 98-117 CE) on the left, minted 112-113 CE, represents one of the denominations produced at Alexandria. The half-drachm on the right was minted in 111-112 CE at Alexandria also. (The British Museum, London).
Bronze Age Greek chariot (From the Novel
Image by Maia Kobabe

Bronze Age Greek chariot (From the Novel "The Jericho River")

An illustration by Maia Kobabe showing a Bronze Age Greek chariot. From the novel The Jericho River by David Tollen.
Bronze Age Helmet
Image by Carlos de Paz

Bronze Age Helmet

Bronze Age golden helmet found in Leiro, Galicia (modern-day Spain). Museo de San Antón, A Coruña.
Bronze Coin of Byzantium
Image by Peter Roan

Bronze Coin of Byzantium

Bronze coin of Byzantium: Dolphin flanked by two tunny fish, 146-176 CE. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).