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Bronze Statue of Neith
Image by Mbzt 2012

Bronze Statue of Neith

A gilded bronze statuette of the Egyptian goddess of war Neith. 664-332 BCE. Louvre Museum, Paris.
Bronze Roman Military Diploma
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Bronze Roman Military Diploma

This official military discharge comprising 2 inscribed bronze plates was a copy of a master held in Rome. It was issued by the Emperor Trajan to Reburrus, a Spanish junior officer (decurion) in the 1st Pannonian cavalry regoiment. The certificate...
Bronze Statues of Ptolemy II & Arsinoe II
Image by The British Museum

Bronze Statues of Ptolemy II & Arsinoe II

These early 3rd-century BCE bronze statues from Alexandria, Egypt, portray the royal Ptolemaic couple Ptolemy II Philadelphus ("The Sibling-Loving") and Arsinoe II Philadelphus. Ptolemy II is wearing the scalp of an elephant, possibly symbolic...
Bronze Sestertius with Colosseum
Image by Peter Roan

Bronze Sestertius with Colosseum

A bronze sestertius from the reign of Titus (79-81 CE) which depicts the Colosseum or Flavian Amphitheatre. Clearly shown are the four arched stories, statues within the arches and the large monumental fountain - the Meta Sudans - which stood...
Bronze As coin from the Roman Republic
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Bronze As coin from the Roman Republic

This is one of the first Roman portrait coins. Roman Republican coins did not usually depict living people, although a statue of the politician Sulla appeared on a coin during his lifetime. The son of Pompey the Great adapted a traditional...
Bronze Bust of an Amazon
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Bronze Bust of an Amazon

Roman bust of an Amazon carrying a sheathed sword and wearing an Eastern-style cap. Bronze. 1st Century CE. 14.5 cm (5.7 in) in height. (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Bronze Age Women
Image by Hans Splinter

Bronze Age Women

Modern re-enactment of Bronze Age life.
Bronze coin 6-4 BCE
Image by Trustees of the British Museum

Bronze coin 6-4 BCE

Bronze coin minted in Berytus, showing Augustus on one side and two aquilae between two standards on the back. The obverse inscription reads Imperator Caesar Augustus, the reverse Publius Quinctilius Varus.
Bronze Coin, Venusia
Image by Mark Cartwright

Bronze Coin, Venusia

A Roman bronze coin of Venusia (modern Venosa), southern Italy. Eagle grasping three arrows and VE inscription. (Archaeological Museum of Venosa, Italy)
Bronze Age Stilt House Interior
Image by Helvetiker

Bronze Age Stilt House Interior

Interior of a reconstructed Bronze Age stilt house. Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen, Germany.