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Fortifications in Ancient Chinese Warfare
Article by Mark Cartwright

Fortifications in Ancient Chinese Warfare

While ancient Chinese warfare was often characterised by large armies in pitched battles, siege warfare and the sacking of cities were also regular features. Huge earth walls with towers and encircling ditches or moats became the normal strategy...
Achievements of the Han Dynasty
Article by Mark Cartwright

Achievements of the Han Dynasty

The achievements of the Han dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE), often regarded by scholars and the ancient Chinese themselves as the golden era of Chinese culture, would have lasting effects on all who followed, particularly in the areas of government...
Chang'an Street Plan
Image by Jason22

Chang'an Street Plan

An illustration of the town planning at the Chinese capital Chang'an. The city was the capital of the Western Han and Tang dynasties, amongst others. The orange section indicates the royal palace.
Gate Towers, Chang'an
Image by Unknown Artist

Gate Towers, Chang'an

A wall painting from Prince Yide's tomb, Xian, China, depicting a towered gate of Chang'an, capital of the Western Han and Tang Dynasties, amongst others. Tang Era (618-907 CE).
Tang Dynasty Vase
Image by Liana Miate

Tang Dynasty Vase

C. 600-634 CE. Porcelain. 25 cm (height). Excavated from the tomb of Princess Fengning (583-610 CE) and her husband Wei Yuanzhao (572-623 CE), Shaolingyuan, Chang'an District, Xi'an, 1990. From the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology...
Zheng Yi Sao
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Zheng Yi Sao

Zheng Yi Sao (aka Ching Shih, Cheng I Sao, Ching Yih Saou or Mrs Cheng, d. 1844) was the chief of a massive pirate confederation which plundered the South China Sea in the early 19th century. She inherited the role from her late husband...
Chang'e Flees to the Moon
Image by The Trustees of the British Museum

Chang'e Flees to the Moon

Colour woodblock print by Yoshitoshi from 19th century CE Japan, showing the Chinese woman Chang'e journeying to the moon, where she becomes the deity Xi Wang Mu, the "Queen Mother of the West".
Most Popular Gods & Goddesses of Ancient China
Article by Emily Mark

Most Popular Gods & Goddesses of Ancient China

There were over 200 gods and goddesses worshipped throughout ancient China, but if one were to count every deity or spirit, the number would be over 1,000. Each town, village, city, field, farm, and sometimes even separate plot in a graveyard...
Dogs in Ancient China
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Dogs in Ancient China

Dogs are the oldest domesticated animal in China and were bred as guardians, for transporting goods, for herding, hunting, and as a food source. Archaeological evidence dates the domestication of the dog in China at approximately 15,000 years...
Battle of Red Cliffs
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Battle of Red Cliffs

The Battle of Red Cliffs (also known as the Battle of Chibi, 208 CE) was the pivotal engagement between the forces of Northern China led by the warlord Cao Cao (l. 155-220 CE) and the allied defenders of the south under the command of Liu...