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Map of the Levant circa 830 BCE
Image by Richardprins

Map of the Levant circa 830 BCE

A map of Palestine circa 830 BC, showing the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, as well as the surrounding kingdoms and tribes.
The Empire of Alexander the Great
Image by Captain Blood

The Empire of Alexander the Great

A map showing the Empire of Alexander the Great, his conquests, and the routes he took (334 BC - 323 BC). Major cities, roads, and battles are indicated.
Map of Ancient Israel
Image by Jona Lendering

Map of Ancient Israel

A map of the ancient Kingdom of Israel and its neighbours.
Statue of an Ammonite King
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Statue of an Ammonite King

The statue is carved of hard grey stone. Both hands of this male figure are clenched. He wears an Egyptian style "atef" crown and a shawl over a garment in the Aramaic-Syrian tradition. Both legs stand on a pedestal of the same of stone type...
The Rams of Amon
Image by Dreef

The Rams of Amon

Ram-headed sphinxes deposited in the first court in the Temple of Karnak, Egypt. Before the temple was extended by the construction of the first court and its pylon, these sphinxes were part of the original approach. When the approach avenue...
The Temple of Hercules, Amman
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

The Temple of Hercules, Amman

Parts of the Roman temple of Hercules have survived. The temple lies within the Amman Citadel (Jabal al-Qal'a), modern-day Amman city, Jordan. It dates back to the 2nd century CE.
Portico in Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain)
Image by Carole Raddato

Portico in Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain)

A reconstructed Roman portico decorated with clipei (circular medallions) depicting Jupiter Ammon and Medusa. The structure was part of the Roman Forum in the town of Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain).
Coin of Lysimachus
Image by Classical Numismatic Group

Coin of Lysimachus

The obverse of this gold coin (stater), minted under the authority of King Lysimachus of Thrace (r. 305-281 BCE), shows the deified portrait of Alexander the Great, wearing the royal fillet (diadema) with the ram's horn of Ammon; the reverse...