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Diodorus Siculus' Account of the Life of Semiramis
Semiramis is the semi-divine Warrior-Queen of Assyria, whose reign is most clearly documented by the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus (l. 90-30 BCE) in his great work Bibliotheca Historica ("Historical Library") written over thirty years...

Coin of Lysimachus
Gold stater minted under the authority of King Lysimachus of Thrace (r. 305-281 BCE), show the deified portrait of Alexander the Great, wearing the royal fillet (diadema) with the ram's horn of Ammon on the obverse; the reverse features the...

Hellenistic Palace Qasr Al-Abd
Qasr Al-Abd is a Hellenistic palace dating from approximately 200 BCE whose ruins stand in western Jordan, approximately 17 kilometers west of Amman. It is a two-story stone structure (measuring about 40 meters by 20 meters, and 13 meters...

Thracian Silver Tetradrachm
Silver tetradrachm from Thrace, reign of Lysimachus, 323-281 BCE. O: Head of Alexander as Ammon-Zeus. R: Athena holding Nike.

Lamp with Crescent Moon Handle, Pompeii
A ceramic lamp which features an image of the Egyptian god Zeus-Ammon above an eagle on the handle. Pompeii, 1st century CE. Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei, (National Maritime Museum, Sydney Australia).

Two Bronze Drachms of Hadrian
Two silver drachms of Hadrian. The drachm on the left shows Zeus Ammon on a plinth, wearing a ram's horn (c. 134-135 CE) while the one on the right shows busts of Serapis and Isis facing each other, with a small statue of Harpocrates and...

Stater of Ptolemy Keraunos
A gold stater minted by King Ptolemy Keraunos of Macedon (r. 281 - 279 BCE). The coin was minted c. 280 - 279 BCE in Lysimachia, Thrace. It is a rare minting from Ptolemy Keraunos' brief reign as King of Macedon, and even briefer period of...

Colchis Alexander Stater
Pure gold. Weight – 8,5 gr. d=17/18 mm. Obverse: Diademed head of Alexander the Great, right, wearing horn of Ammon. Reverse: Athena Pallas enthroned, left, holding Nike in an open right hand and resting left hand on the arm of the...

Ptolemaic Dynasty
The Ptolemaic dynasty was a Macedonian royal family that ruled Ptolemaic Egypt from 323 to 30 BCE. It was founded by Ptolemy I, a general and successor of Alexander the Great. They built Alexandria, including the Lighthouse of Alexandria...

According to biblical tradition (and some say myth), King Solomon was the third and last king in the ancient United Kingdom of Israel. Other faiths, such as Islam and Rastafarianism, also embrace the notion of Solomon as a sagacious king...