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Iranian Tile Panel with Hunting Scene
3D Image by Geoffrey Marchal

Iranian Tile Panel with Hunting Scene

Tile panel with hunting scene, Iran, 18th - 19th Century. Pink earth, white covered with cuerda seca decoration. Hunting scenes, practiced as a sport and as a princely hobby, benefited from a centuries-old tradition in Iranian art. This set...
Lady in Front of the Afterlife Deities, Thebes
3D Image by Geoffrey Marchal

Lady in Front of the Afterlife Deities, Thebes

Lady in front of the deities of the afterlife. Painted wood. Thebes, Egypt. 3rd century BCE. Art & History Museum (Musée du Cinquantenaire), Brussels, Belgium. Made of 70 pictures with Zephyr3D Lite from 3DFlow.
Greek Terracotta Female Figurine
3D Image by Geoffrey Marchal

Greek Terracotta Female Figurine

Female figurine, circa 470-450 BCE, polychrome terracotta. This molded figurine has acquired relief. The features of the face and the details of the garment are naturalistic, even if the whole remains schematic and linear. It constitutes...
Stele for a Priest of the Sacred Ibis
3D Image by Geoffrey Marchal

Stele for a Priest of the Sacred Ibis

Stele for a Priest of Sacred Ibis. Limestone. Possibly from Thebes, Egypt. 300 BCE. Museum of Art History (Musée du Cinquantenaire), Brussels, Belgium. Made of 215 pictures with Zephyr3D Lite from 3DFlow.
Apollo Sauroctonos
3D Image by Geoffrey Marchal

Apollo Sauroctonos

Roman copy of the Greek statue Apollo Sauroctonos (Greek: "Apollo the lizard-killer"), depicting Apollo about to catch a lizard which climbs a nearby tree-trunk. 1st or 2nd Century CE Roman copy of an original by the 4th Century BCE Greek...
Egyptian Statue of a Noble
3D Image by Geoffrey Marchal

Egyptian Statue of a Noble

Statue of a noble. Egypt. Old Kingdom, 6th Dynasty (2250 BCE), unknown artist. Museum of Art History (Musée du Cinquantenaire), Brussels, Belgium. Made with Zephyr3D Lite from 3DFlow.
Colossal Lamassu, Mosul
3D Image by Benoît Rogez

Colossal Lamassu, Mosul

A marble statue of a lamassu, a protective deity which was supposed to guard the city. Made in Assyria, c. 700 BCE. Found near present-day Mosul, Iraq. On display, Musée du Louvre, Paris. Made using Sketchfab.
Anatolian Votive Stele Showing Kakasbos
3D Image by Geoffrey Marchal

Anatolian Votive Stele Showing Kakasbos

Stele votive, Smyrna (Asia Minor, mod. Turkey), 2nd-3rd CE, limestone, depicting Kakasbos, Anatolian god-horseman carrying the club. Musée d’Art et d’Histoire (Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels, Belgium). Made with 150 pictures with...
Roman Funerary Altar
3D Image by Geoffrey Marchal

Roman Funerary Altar

Funeral altar of Quarta, early 2nd century CE, Rome, Marble. White marble cippe. The crown of the altar has a crown and band decoration, on the sides, an urceus (libation jug) and a hook. Lettering: D (is) M (anibus). Quatae coniugi optimae...
Thutmose III Stele
3D Image by Geoffrey Marchal

Thutmose III Stele

Adoration of deified King Thutmose III. Gourob (Middle Egypt) (British excavations, 1904-1905). Around 1200 BCE, Painted limestone. Musée d'Art et d'Histoire (Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels, Belgium). Made of 240 pictures with RealityCapture...