The Third Intermediate Period (c. 1069-525 BCE) is the era following the New Kingdom of Egypt (c. 1570-c.1069 BCE) and preceding the Late Period (c.525-332 BCE). Egyptian history was divided into eras of 'kingdoms' and 'intermediate periods' by Egyptologists of the late 19th century CE to clarify the country's history, but were not used by the ancient Egyptians themselves.
More about: Third Intermediate Period of EgyptDefinition
c. 1077 BCE - c. 1047 BCEFounding of the city of Tanis.
c. 1069 BCE - 525 BCEThird Intermediate Period in Egypt.
c. 1069 BCE - c. 943 BCE21st Dynasty of Egypt.
c. 943 BCE - c. 837 BCE22nd Dynasty of Egypt.
c. 943 BCE - 922 BCEReign of Shoshenq I in Egypt.
c. 837 BCE - c. 747 BCE23rd and 24th Dynasties of Egypt.
c. 750 BCEKing Kashta of the Kingdom of Kush takes Egypt.
c. 747 BCE - 665 BCE25th Dynasty of Egypt under Nubians of Kush.
747 BCE - 721 BCEKing Piye of Kush conquers Egypt.
721 BCE - 707 BCEKing Shabaka of Kush extends control over Egypt.
707 BCE - 690 BCEKing Shebitku of Kush rules Egypt.
c. 671 BCE - c. 670 BCEAssyrian invasion of Egypt under Esarhaddon.
666 BCEAssyrian invasion of Egypt under Ashurbanipal.
665 BCE - 525 BCE26th Dynasty of Egypt.
c. 665 BCE - 610 BCEReign of Psammetichus I (Psamtik I) in Egypt who frees country from Assyrians.
610 BCE - 595 BCEReign of Necho II in Egypt.
595 BCE - 589 BCEReign of Psammetichus II (Psamtik II) in Egypt.
589 BCE - 570 BCEReign of Apries in Egypt.
570 BCE - 526 BCEReign of Amassis (Ahmose II) in Egypt.
526 BCE - 525 BCEReign of Psamtik (Psammetichus) III in Egypt, ending with the Persian invasion.
525 BCEPersian invasion of Egypt.
525 BCEThird Intermediate Period ends with Persian Invasion under Cambyses II.