Tamahay (Eastman's Biography)


Tamahay (Tahama, Tamaha, "Pike", l. c. 1776-1864) was a Mdewakanton Dakota Sioux guide and scout who sided with the Americans against the British during the War of 1812. He was a famous advocate of the American cause and a close friend of the American soldier and explorer Zebulon Pike (l. 1779-1813), serving as his guide for the 1805 expedition.

More about: Tamahay (Eastman's Biography)


  • c. 1776 - 1864
    Life of the Dakota Sioux guide and scout Tamahay.
  • 1805
    Tamahay serves as guide for Zebulon Pike on his first expedition to locate the source of the Mississippi River.
  • 1812 - 1815
    Tamahay serves as a scout for the Americans during the War of 1812.
  • 1862
    Tamahay argues for peace in trying to prevent the Dakota War of 1862.
  • 1864
    Tamahay dies of natural causes in South Dakota.