Seventh Crusade


The Seventh Crusade (1248-1254 CE) was led by the French king Louis IX (r. 1226-1270 CE) who intended to conquer Egypt and take over Jerusalem, both then controlled by the Muslim Ayyubid Dynasty. Despite the initial success of capturing Damietta on the Nile, the Crusader army was, in 1250 CE, routed at Mansourah in a repetition of the events of the Fifth Crusade (1217-1221 CE). Louis was captured and then ransomed but remained determined to fulfil his Crusader vows, launching the Eighth Crusade in 1270 CE.

More about: Seventh Crusade


  • 17 Oct 1244
    An army of the Ayyubid dynasty defeats a large Latin army at the battle of La Forbie (Harbiya) in Gaza.
  • Dec 1244
    Louis IX, king of France, takes up the cross and vows to embark on a Crusade.
  • 1245 - 1249
    Al-Salih is the Sultan of Egypt and Syria, leader of the Ayyubid Dynasty.
  • 1247
    Al-Salih, Sultan of Egypt and Syria, captures Ascalon from the Franks.
  • 1248 - 1254
    The Seventh Crusade is formed to attack Muslim-held cities in North Africa and Egypt. Led by Louis IX, it is not successful.
  • 25 Aug 1248
    The army of the Seventh Crusade sets sail for Egypt from Aigues Mortes in Southern France.
  • Jun 1249
    The army of the Seventh Crusade lands in Egypt.
  • Jun 1249
    The army of the Seventh Crusade captures Damietta in Egypt.
  • 20 Nov 1249
    The army of the Seventh Crusade marches from Damietta to Cairo.
  • 5 Apr 1250
    The army of the Seventh Crusade is defeated at Mansourah. Louis IX is captured.
  • 6 May 1250
    Louis IX, leader of the Seventh Crusade, is released by his captors, the Ayyubid Dynasty.