The Sargonid Dynasty was the last ruling house of the Neo-Assyrian Empire from 722-612 BCE, beginning with the reign of Sargon II and ending with fall of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. Some of the most famous kings in the history of Assyria come from this dynasty which is considered the high point of the empire.
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745 BCE - 727 BCEReign of Tiglath Pileser III who restructures government and military and expands empire.
727 BCE - 722 BCEReign of Shalmaneser V.
722 BCE - 705 BCEPeak of the Assyrian empire under the reign of Sargon II.
722 BCE - 612 BCEThe Sargonid Dynasty of Assyria.
705 BCESennacherib moves capital from Dur-Sharrukin to Nineveh.
705 BCE - 681 BCEReign of king Sennacherib of Assyria.
701 BCEKing Sennacherib of Assyria sacks the city of Lachish in Judah but fails to take the capital Jerusalem.
681 BCE - 669 BCEReign of Esarhaddon who expands the empire.
671 BCESecond Egyptian Campaign, Assyrian army successfully captures Memphis and conquers Egypt.
671 BCEEgypt is conquered by Assyria.
668 BCE - 627 BCEReign of Ashurbanipal, the last great king of Assyria.
668 BCEAshurbanipal succeeds his father as King of the Assyrian Empire.
648 BCEWar between Assyria and the Elamites.
627 BCERevolts break out following the death of Ashurbanipal, empire begins to fail.
627 BCEDeath of King Ashurbanipal.
612 BCEThe great Assyrian cities of Ashur, Kalhu, and Nineveh are sacked and burned by the Medes, Babylonians, and Persian forces.
612 BCEDownfall of the Assyrian empire.