Ancient Rome


According to legend, Ancient Rome was founded by the two brothers, and demigods, Romulus and Remus, on 21 April 753 BCE. The legend claims that in an argument over who would rule the city (or, in another version, where the city would be located) Romulus killed Remus and named the city after himself. This story of the founding of Rome is the best known but it is not the only one.

More about: Ancient Rome


  • 753 BCE - 510 BCE
    Regal Period of ancient Rome from Founding to Birth of the Republic.
  • 753 BCE
    The legendary founding date of Rome.
  • 750 BCE - 510 BCE
    The (semi-mythological) seven kings of Rome: Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tulus Hostilius, Ancus Marcius, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus.
  • c. 620 BCE
    Posible founding date for Ostia, the port of Rome.
  • 599 BCE - 500 BCE
    The traditional date when the Circus Maximus of Rome is first laid out.
  • 534 BCE - 510 BCE
    Reign of Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, last king of Rome.
  • 510 BCE - 509 BCE
    First treaty between Rome and Carthage.
  • 509 BCE
    Foundation of the Roman Republic.
  • c. 508 BCE
    Lars Porsenna, Etruscan king of Chiusi, lays siege to Rome.
  • 504 BCE
    Migration of Claudii from Sabine lands to Rome.
  • c. 499 BCE
    Battle of Lake Regillus between Rome and the Latin League.
  • c. 497 BCE
    The first temple dedicated to Saturn is constructed in the Forum Romanum of Rome.
  • 495 BCE
    Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, last king of Rome, dies in exile at Cumae.
  • 495 BCE
    A temple is built in honour of Mercury near Rome's Circus Maximus.
  • 494 BCE
    Traditional date the office of the tribuni plebis is created in Rome.
  • 493 BCE
    Foedus Cassianus - treaty by Spurius Cassius Vecellinus with the Latin League after the Battle of Lake Regillus.
  • 484 BCE
    The first temple of the Dioscuri (Castor & Pollux) is dedicated in Rome's Forum Romanum by Aulus Postumius following his victory over the Latins at the Battle of Lake Regillus.
  • 451 BCE - 450 BCE
    Decemvirate and Publication of Twelve Tables of Roman Law.
  • c. 400 BCE
    Roman tale of mythical twins Romulus and Remus first recorded.
  • 394 BCE
    Etruscan Volsinii and their ally Sappinum unsuccessfully attacks Rome.
  • 390 BCE
    Gauls sack Rome.
  • c. 390 BCE
    "Gallic Catastrophe:" Brennus of the Senones defeats the Romans at Allia, and subsequently sacks Rome.
  • 380 BCE
    Rebuilding of Rome. Strong walls around the seven hills.
  • 343 BCE - 341 BCE
    First Samnite War (Rome vs. Samnites).
  • 340 BCE - 338 BCE
    Latin War, victory for Rome.
  • 326 BCE - 304 BCE
    Second Samnite War.
  • 321 BCE
    The Via Appia, a famous Roman road, is constructed.
  • 298 BCE - 290 BCE
    Third Samnite War between Rome and the Samnite people.
  • 295 BCE
    Roman victory over Samnites, Gauls and Umbrians at Sentinum.
  • 292 BCE
    The Romans adopt the Greek god of medicine Asclepius by stealing his sacred snake from Epidaurus and setting up a temple on the Tiber Island.
  • Mar 218 BCE
    Rome declares war on Carthage after Hannibal sacks Saguntum in Spain. The Second Punic War begins.
  • 213 BCE - 212 BCE
    Roman commander Marcus Claudius Marcellus lays seige to and ultimately sacks Syracuse.
  • 196 BCE
    The earliest known Triumphal Arches are built in Rome by L.Sertinius.
  • 184 BCE
    The first basilica is added to Rome's Forum Romanum.
  • 168 BCE
    Rome defeats Macedon at Battle of Pydna.
  • 166 BCE
    Rome puts Delos under the jurisdiction of Athens and makes the island a free port.
  • 146 BCE
    First Roman all-marble building is constructed, the temple of Jupiter Stater in Rome.
  • 121 BCE
    Gallia Narbonensis becomes a Roman province.
  • 107 BCE - 100 BCE
    Gaius Marius reforms the Roman army.
  • 12 Jul 100 BCE - 15 Mar 44 BCE
    Life of Gaius Julius Caesar, founder of the Roman Empire.
  • 89 BCE
    All poleis or city-states in Magna Graecia come under Roman control.
  • 80 BCE
    Sulla moves the Olympic Games to Rome for a single Olympiad.
  • 70 BCE
    Pompey and Crassus are made consuls.
  • 59 BCE - 17 CE
    Life of Livy.
  • 58 BCE - 51 BCE
    Julius Caesar's conquest of Gaul.
  • 55 BCE - 54 BCE
    Julius Caesar's expeditions in Britain.
  • 55 BCE
    Pompey the Great builds the first permanent stone theatre in Rome.
  • 54 BCE - 29 BCE
    Forum of Caesar constructed in Rome by Julius Caesar as another area to conduct judicial business. It is the best surviving of his monuments.
  • 44 BCE
    Julius Caesar is murdered.
  • 43 BCE - 36 BCE
    Second Triumvirate: Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus (official approval by the Roman Senate). Mass proscriptions including Cicero.
  • 43 BCE - 17 CE
    Life of the Roman writer Ovid, author of Metamorphoses.
  • 36 BCE
    Agrippa defeats the naval fleet of Sextus Pompey in the battle of Naulochos.
  • 31 BCE
    Greece absorbed into Roman Empire.
  • 29 BCE
    Augustus builds the temple of Divius Iulius on the spot of Julius Caesar's funeral pyre in Rome's Forum Romanum.
  • c. 27 BCE
    The first Pantheon is built in Rome and dedicated by Marcus Agrippa.
  • c. 20 BCE
    Military engineer and architect Vitruvius publishes his "De Architectura".
  • c. 20 BCE
    The Campus Martius baths in Rome are constructed and donated to the people by Agrippa.
  • 19 BCE
    Arch of Augustus built in Rome to commemorate victory over the Parthians.
  • c. 13 BCE
    Official inauguration of the Theatre of Marcellus in Rome.
  • c. 10 BCE
    Augustus rebuilds the Temple of Castor and Pollux in Rome's Forum Romanum.
  • 1 CE - 100 CE
    Mithraism spreads in the Roman empire.
  • c. 13 CE
    Augustus creates the cohortes urbanae in Rome to help maintain public order.
  • c. 23 CE
    The castra praetoria, permanent camp of the Praetorian Guard, is built in Rome by Sejanus.
  • 42 CE - 62 CE
    Paul the Apostle goes on missionary journeys across Asia Minor, Greece, and Rome.
  • c. 50 CE - c. 60 CE
    Establishment of various Christian communities in the Eastern Mediterranean, Greece, Egypt, and at least the city of Rome.
  • 60 CE - 61 CE
    Boudicca's Revolt in Britain.
  • 64 CE
    Fire destroys the Circus Maximus in Rome.
  • 64 CE
    Unofficial persecution of Christians in Rome.
  • 64 CE
    The great fire in Rome.
  • c. 64 CE
    The Roman port of Ostia reaches its maximum size becoming a major urban centre.
  • c. 65 CE
    The Circus Maximus in Rome is rebuilt and its capacity increased to 250,000.
  • c. 65 CE
    The Baths of Nero are built in Rome.
  • 66 CE - 73 CE
    The Jewish Revolt against Rome.
  • 68 CE - 69 CE
    Year of the Four Emperors: Civil war in Rome.
  • 70 CE
    The city of Jerusalem is besieged and captured by Rome; the Second Temple destroyed.
  • Jun 71 CE
    Titus returns to Rome from Jewish War.
  • 72 CE
    Vespasian begins construction of the Colosseum in Rome.
  • Aug 79 CE - Oct 79 CE
    Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in southern Italy burying the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum in volcanic ash.
  • 80 CE
    The Colosseum in Rome is officially opened by Titus with a 100 day gladiator spectacular.
  • 80 CE
    The first Pantheon in Rome is destroyed by fire.
  • 81 CE - 96 CE
    Construction is finally completed on the Colosseum of Rome in the reign of Domitian.
  • 83 CE
    Battle of Mons Graupius in Scotland.
  • 18 Sep 96 CE
    Death of Roman Emperor Domitian.
  • c. 110 CE
    First documented martydom in the Colosseum of Rome, that of St. Ignatius of Antioch.
  • 110 CE
    The second Pantheon building in Rome is hit by lightning and destroyed by fire.
  • 113 CE
    Trajan's column is constructed in Rome which commemorates the emperor's campaigns in Dacia.
  • c. 125 CE
    The Pantheon is completed in Rome.
  • 10 Jul 138 CE - 9 Mar 161 CE
    Reign of Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius.
  • c. 180 CE
    The Column of Marcus Aurelius and Faustina is erected in Rome. It depicts in relief sculpture the emperors' campaigns across the Danube.
  • 192 CE
    Emperor Commodus is murdered, civil war ensues (until 197 CE).
  • 202 CE
    The Pantheon in Rome is repaired by Septimius Severus and Caracalla.
  • 227 CE
    The Baths of Nero in Rome are extensively renovated and expanded by Alexander Severus and renamed Thermae Alexandrinae.
  • c. 235 CE
    The Baths of Caracalla in Rome are completed.
  • 238 CE
    Year of the Six Emperors in the Roman Empire.
  • 272 CE
    Possible year of Emperor Constantine's birth.
  • 283 CE
    A fire devastates Rome's Forum Romanum, necessitating an extensive rebuilding programme.
  • 286 CE
    Naval commander Carausius (Marcus Aurelius Mausaeus Valerius Carausius) declares himself emperor in Britain and Northern Gaul.
  • 293 CE
    Emperor Carausius assassinated by Allectus.
  • 308 CE
    Constantine I named "caesar" of the west.
  • 312 CE
    Constantine defeats Maxentius at Milvian Bridge.
  • 312 CE
    Constantine I reduces the cohortes urbanae of Rome.
  • 337 CE
    Death of Emperor Constantine I.
  • c. 360 CE - c. 380 CE
    The Temple of Saturn is rebuilt in the Forum Romanum of Rome.
  • 402 CE
    Ravenna becomes the capital of the Western Roman Empire.
  • 408 CE
    Alaric I the Visigoth besieges Rome. As ransom, Rome pays 5,000 pounds of gold, 30,000 pounds of silver, 4,000 silken tunics, 3,000 hides dyed scarlet, and 3,000 pounds of pepper.
  • 410 CE
    Alaric of the Visigoths sacks Rome.
  • 24 Aug 410 CE
    Alaric sacks Rome.
  • 422 CE
    The Colosseum of Rome is damaged by earthquake.
  • 455 CE
    Vandals sack Rome.
  • 536 CE
    Rome falls to Belisarius.
  • 549 CE
    The last official chariot race is held in Rome's Circus Maximus.
  • 608 CE
    The Pantheon in Rome is converted into a Christian church.
  • c. 730 CE
    First reference to the Flavian Amphitheatre as the Colosseum by the Venerable Bede.
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