Rollo (l. c.860-c.930 CE, r. 911-927 CE) was a Viking chieftain who became the founder and first ruler of the region of Normandy. He converted to Christianity as part of a deal with the Frankish king Charles the Simple (893-923 CE) in 911 CE (changing his name to Robert) and his story was then embellished upon by later Christian writers who held him up as a role model: a savage Viking chief who became a paragon of Christian virtue and established law in the land. In doing so, however, they largely ignored whatever was known of Rollo's life prior to his involvement with Charles.
More about: Rollo of NormandyDefinition
c. 860 - c. 930Life of Rollo of Normandy.
876As a Viking Chieftain, Rollo destroys region of Rouen, Francia.
876Viking raids involving Rollo.
885 - 886Rollo as Viking Chieftain raids and lays siege to Paris.
911 - 927Reign of Rollo of Normandy.
911Treaty of Saint Clair sur Epte between Charles the Simple and Rollo; establishes Normandy, ends Viking raids on the Seine.
918Further land granted to Rollo for defense of the kingdom.
923After establishing law and order in Normandy, Rollo campaigns with King Charles.
927Rollo retires and is succeeded by his son William Longsword. .
c. 930Rollo of Normandy dies of natural causes, probably at his capital of Rouen.