Robert Boyle (1627-1691) was an Anglo-Irish chemist, physicist, and experimental philosopher. Boyle was a prolific author, made significant experiments with air pumps, and presented the first litmus test. A founding member of the Royal Society, Boyle bequeathed funding for a long-lasting series of lectures, the Boyle Lectures, which aimed to show that the Christian faith and science were not incompatible.
More about: Robert BoyleDefinition
1627 - 1691Life of the scientist Robert Boyle.
25 Jan 1627The scientist Robert Boyle is born in Ireland.
1639 - 1642Robert Boyle embarks on a grand tour of Europe.
1660Robert Boyle publishes the New Experiments Physico-Mechanical Touching the Spring of the Air, and Its Effects.
1661Robert Boyle publishes The Skeptical Chymist.
1662Robert Boyle is a founding fellow of the Royal Society in London.
1664Robert Boyle publishes Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours.
1668Robert Boyle moves to Pall Mall, London.
1690Robert Boyle publishes The Christian Virtuoso.
31 Dec 1691Robert Boyle dies and leaves funds for a series of annual lectures defending Christianity, the Boyle Lectures.