Nergal (also known as Erra and Irra) is the Mesopotamian god of death, war, and destruction. He began as a regional, probably agricultural, god of the Babylonian city of Kutha in the Early Dynastic Period I (c. 2900-2800 BCE). As his temple was known as E-meslam, he was known as Meslamtaea ('he who comes forth from Meslam').
More about: NergalDefinition
c. 2900 BCE - 2700 BCENergal first appears in Mesopotamian religion as a regional god of Kutha known as Meslamtaea.
2047 BCE - 1750 BCEMeslamtaea becomes Nergal/Erra during the Ur III Period of Mesopotamian history.
1344 BCE - 1322 BCENergal as Aplu the Plague God cited for bringing the plague during the reign of Hittite King Suppiluliuma I.
c. 800 BCEProbable date of composition of The Wrath of Erra, describing Nergal's destruction of Babylon.
c. 626 BCE - 539 BCEBest known copy of The Marriage of Ereshkigal and Nergal written during the Neo-Babylonian Period of Mesopotamian history.