

A huge part of the Spartan population was made up of those who were not actually Spartan, the helots; a cause of great concern to the Spartans throughout their history. These helots were slaves that were usually captives of the Spartans forced into the service of their captors. However, some of these slaves were awarded their freedom after spending time in the service of the hoplites of the Spartan Army. These freed helots of military service were known as the 'Neodamodeis'.

More about: Neodamodeis


  • 424 BCE
    Spartan Brasidas' campaign in Thrace.
  • 421 BCE
    Spartan soldiers return from campaigning Thrace, some as Neodamodeis.
  • 396 BCE
    Spartan Agesilaus II's campaign into Ionia.