Chanakya (l. c. 350-275 BCE, also known as Kautilya and Vishnugupta) was prime minister under the reign of Chandragupta Maurya (r. c. 321-c.297 BCE), founder of the Mauryan Empire (322-185 BCE). He is best known as the author of the political treatise Arthashastra which he wrote as an instruction manual for the young Chandragupta on how to rule effectively.
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c. 350 BCE - 275 BCELife of Kautilya, Indian stateman and philosopher, chief advisor and Prime Minister of the Indian Emperor Chandragupta.
340 BCE - 298 BCELife of Indian Emperor Chandragupta, first ruler of the Mauryan Empire.
c. 321 BCE - c. 298 BCEReign of Chandragupta Maurya, first ruler of the Mauryan Empire.
305 BCEEmperor Chandragupta signs a treaty with Seleucos I, establishing borders and giving the Punjab to Chandragupta in return for 500 war elephants.
298 BCEChandragupta voluntarily abdicates the throne in favour of his son Bindusara. Jain sources say that Chandragupta turned into an ascetic and follower of Jainism, migrated south and starved himself to death.