Edgar Degas (1834-1917) was a French impressionist painter who used many different media to capture dancers, bathers, horse races, and scenes from Parisian café society. A keen photographer, Degas' paintings frequently show real-life captured in a moment in time, often with an unusual viewpoint, composition or framing – all of which techniques would prove influential on later artists.
More about: Edgar DegasDefinition
1834 - 1917Life of the French impressionist painter Edgar Degas.
19 Jul 1834Edgar Degas is born in Paris.
1855Edgar Degas enrolls in the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris.
1858Edgar Degas paints his 'The Bellelli Family' while staying with his aunt Laura Bellelli in Florence.
1865Edgar Degas' 'Medieval War Scene' is accepted by the Paris Salon.
1868Edgar Degas' 'Mademoiselle Fiocre in the Ballet "La Source"' is exhibited in the Paris Salon.
c. 1868Edgar Degas paints his enigmatic 'Interior'.
Jul 1870Edgar Degas joins the French National Guard during the Franco-Prussian War.
1872 - 1873Edgar Degas visits family in New Orleans and paints his 'The Cotton Market, New Orleans'.
Apr 1874Edgar Degas' work is shown in the First impressionist Exhibition in Paris.
1876Edgar Degas paints his 'The Star'.
c. 1878Edgar Degas creates his sculpture of a dancer, 'La Petite Danseuse de Quatorze Ans'.
1886Edgar Degas paints his 'The Tub'.
1911The Louvre acquires 19 of Edgar Degas’ works.
27 Sep 1917Edgar Degas dies of old age in Paris.