Dolley Madison


Dolley Madison (1768-1849), born Dolley Payne, was a prominent American First Lady, a function she held both during the presidency of her husband, James Madison, and for his predecessor, the widower Thomas Jefferson. Known for her elegance and charm, Madison acted as hostess of the White House, helping to define the role of the presidential spouse.

More about: Dolley Madison


  • 20 May 1768
    Dolley Payne Madison is born on a Quaker community in Guilford County, North Carolina.
  • Jan 1790
    Dolley Payne marries Philadelphia lawyer John Todd.
  • 29 Feb 1792
    Dolley Payne Todd gives birth to her first son, John Payne Todd, called 'Payne'.
  • Sep 1793 - Nov 1793
    Dolley Payne Todd loses both her husband and her younger son William to the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia.
  • 16 Sep 1794
    James Madison and Dolley Payne Todd are married in Virginia.
  • 1801 - 1808
    Dolley Madison intermittently acts as hostess of the White House for the widower President Jefferson; becomes one of the most popular women in the US.
  • 1 May 1801
    The Madisons arrive in Washington, D.C. so James can take up his office as secretary of state.
  • 4 Mar 1809
    Dolley Madison holds an inaugural ball for her husband's inauguration as the fourth US president.
  • 24 Aug 1814
    The British burn Washington, D.C.; Dolley Madison directs her servants to save valuables, including the Gilbert Stuart portrait of George Washington.
  • 4 Mar 1817
    The Madisons leave office at the end of James' second term as president.
  • 1830
    The Madisons are forced to mortgage half of the Montpelier plantation to pay off the gambling debts of Dolley's son, John Payne Todd.
  • 28 Jun 1836
    James Madison dies at Montpelier, at the age of 85.
  • 1837
    Dolley Madison moves back to Washington, D.C. with her sister.
  • 1846
    After falling deeper into debt, Dolley Madison is forced to sell the Montpelier plantation and its enslaved people.
  • 12 Jul 1849
    Dolley Madison dies at the age of 81.
  • 16 Jan 1852
    John Payne Todd, the last surviving son of Dolley Madison and stepson of James Madison, dies of typhoid fever, aged 59.