Diocletian was Roman emperor from 284 to 305 CE. After the defeat and death of the Roman emperor Philip the Arab in 249 CE, the empire endured over three decades of ineffective rulers. The glory days of Augustus, Vespasian, and Trajan were long gone, and the once-powerful Roman Empire suffered both financially and militarily. There were constant attacks along the Danube River as well as in the eastern provinces. Finally, in 284 CE a man rose to the imperial throne who would completely change the face of the empire. His name was Diocletian.
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22 Dec 245 CEBirth of Emperor Diocletian.
284 CE - 275 CECrisis of the Third Century resolved during the reign of Diocletian.
284 CE - 305 CEReign of Roman Emperor Diocletian.
285 CEThe Roman empire is split into the Western and Eastern Roman empires.
289 CEEmperor Diocletian defeats Sarmatians.
292 CEEmperor Diocletian defeats Saracens.
293 CEDiocletian reforms the Roman coinage system, guaranteeing the gold aurei at 60 to a pound and minting the nummus coin.
298 CERoman Emperor Diocletian reunifies the Kingdom of Armenia.
301 CEDiocletian reasseses the values of Roman coins and limits minting rights to between 12 and 15 mints across the empire.
303 CEEmperor Diocletian orders all Churches destroyed.
305 CEThe Baths of Diocletian in Rome are completed.
Oct 311 CEDeath of Emperor Diocletian.
330 CEDiocletian and Maximian celebrate a triumph in Rome for their victories in Britain and Africa.