The Battle of Leuctra in 371 BCE gave Thebes a decisive victory over Sparta and established Thebes as the most powerful city-state in Greece. The victory was achieved through the daring and brilliant pre-meditated tactics of the Theban general Epaminondas who smashed the Spartan hoplites and put to rest the myth of invincibility that Sparta had enjoyed for centuries.
More about: Battle of LeuctraDefinition
c. 650 BCE - c. 350 BCEHoplites are the major protagonists in Greek land warfare.
371 BCEThebes, led by Epaminondas, defeats Sparta in the Battle of Leuctra.
364 BCETheban general Pelopidas is victorious but killed at the Battle of Kynoskephalai.
362 BCEIndecisive Battle of Matinea where Thebes fought against Sparta and Athens. Theban general Epaminondas is killed.