The Battle of Immae (272 CE) was fought between the forces of the Roman emperor Aurelian (270-275 CE) and those of the Palmyrene Empire of Zenobia (267-273 CE) resulting in a Roman victory and, ultimately, the capture of Zenobia and an end to her breakaway empire. Aurelian's use of strategy, turning the strength of Zenobia's forces to weaknesses, and his expert use of the element of surprise characterize the battle and led to his victory.
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267 CEZenobia rules as Regent in Palmyra.
269 CEZenobia invades and conquers Egypt.
Sep 270 CE - c. Sep 275 CEReign of Roman emperor Aurelian.
272 CE - 273 CEAurelian successfully campaigns against Palmyra.
272 CEThe Battle of Immae between the Roman forces under Aurelian and the Palmyrenes under Zenobia in which Rome triumphed.