Atahualpa (Atawallpa) was the last ruler of the Inca Empire. He reigned from 1532 until his capture and execution by the invading Spanish forces led by Francisco Pizarro in 1533. The troubled Incas had suffered six years of damaging civil war and Atahualpa was only just enjoying his ascendancy to the throne when the Spanish arrived to turn the Inca world upside down.
More about: AtahualpaDefinition
c. 1425 - 1532The Inca Empire flourishes in South America.
1526 - 1532Civil war between the Inca leaders Waskar and Atahualpa. Atahualpa wins.
1530The Inca empire reaches its greatest extent.
1532Francsico Pizarro and the Spanish conquistadors arrive in South America.
1532 - 1533Reign of Inca ruler Atahualpa.
16 Nov 1532Battle of Cajamarca where the Inca leader Atahualpa is captured and held for ransom by Spanish forces led by Francisco Pizarro.
26 Jul 1533The Inca leader Atahualpa is executed.
15 Nov 1533Francisco Pizarro takes the Inca capital of Cuzco.
18 Jan 1535Francsico Pizarro founds Lima (Ciudad de Los Reyes) as the capital of Spanish Peru.