

Aryan is a designation originally meaning “civilized”, “noble”, or “free” without reference to any ethnicity. It was first applied as a self-identifying term by a migratory group of people from Central Asia later known as Indo-Iranians (who settled on the Iranian Plateau) and, later, applied to Indo-Aryans (who traveled south to settle northern India).

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  • c. 3000 BCE
    The Aryans - nomadic northerners from central Asia - possibly begin to migrate into the Indus Valley in an early phase of migration.
  • c. 2000 BCE - c. 1500 BCE
    The Aryans expand into the Ganges valley in India.
  • c. 1900 BCE - c. 1500 BCE
    Indus Valley Civilization begins to decline. Aryan culture begins to merge with indigenous traditions.
  • c. 1500 BCE - c. 500 BCE
    Indian scholars of the so-called Vedic Period commit the Vedas to written form; basic tenets of Hinduism are established.