The Arapaho are a North American Native nation originally from the Red River Valley in modern-day Manitoba, Canada, and Minnesota, USA. They migrated south in the early 18th century and established themselves in modern-day Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, Wyoming, and points south. They are associated with the Plains Indians culture and have long been allies of the Cheyenne.
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c. 1700The Arapaho live in the region of modern-day Manitoba, Canada, and Minnesota, USA, before migrating the Great Plains.
c. 1700 - c. 1750The Arapaho have mastered the horse and use of firearms through interaction with French traders.
1823 - 1868Arapaho conflict with White settlers and the US government as their lands are taken.
Nov 1864Arapaho are slaughtered along with Cheyenne at the Sand Creek Massacre.
1867 - 1868Northern Arapaho and Southern Arapaho both agree to live on reservations to prevent further conflict.
Jun 1876Some Arapaho warriors join the Sioux and Cheyenne at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
1890The Arapaho observe the Ghost Dance which helps preserve their language and culture.