Search Results: Twelve caesars suetonius


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Definition by Mark Cartwright


Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (c. 69 – c. 130/140 CE), better known simply as Suetonius, was a Roman writer whose most famous work is his biographies of the first 12 Caesars. With a position close to the imperial court he was able to access...
Interview: Barry Strauss on Ten Caesars
Interview by James Blake Wiener

Interview: Barry Strauss on Ten Caesars

Dr. Barry Strauss' Ten Caesars: Roman Emperors from Augustus to Constantine tells the epic story of the Roman Empire from its rise to its eastern reinvention, from Augustus, who founded the empire, to Constantine, who made it Christian and...
Twelve Tables
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Twelve Tables

The Twelve Tables (aka Law of the Twelve Tables) was a set of laws inscribed on 12 bronze tablets created in ancient Rome in 451 and 450 BCE. They were the beginning of a new approach to laws which were now passed by government and written...
Twelve Articles
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Twelve Articles

The Twelve Articles (1525) is a document written between 27 February and 1 March 1525 addressing grievances of the peasants of the Germanic regions of the Holy Roman Empire against the policies of their lords. The work was written to explain...
Definition by Donald L. Wasson


Britannicus (41-55 CE) was the second child and only son born to the Roman emperor Claudius (r. 41-54 CE) and Valeria Messalina (c. 20-48 CE). Seen as a threat by Claudius' fourth wife, Agrippina the Younger (15-59 CE), and her son, the future...
Suetonius Paulinus
Image by Ad Meskens

Suetonius Paulinus

Statue of Gaius Suetonius Paulinus on the terrace of the Roman Baths (Bath). The terrace is lined with statues of Roman governors of Britain, Roman emperors and military leaders. The statues date to 1894 CE.
The Twelve Tribes of Israel
Article by Rebecca Denova

The Twelve Tribes of Israel

The Twelve Tribes of Israel refer to the sons of the Jewish Patriarch Jacob and are important for the tribal lineages of those who constituted the nation of Israel. In the ancient world, all ethnic groups developed stories of their ancestors...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Boudicca (d. 61 CE) was the Celtic queen of the Iceni tribe of modern-day East Anglia, Britain, who led a revolt against Rome in 60/61 CE. The Iceni king, Prasutagus, an independent ally of Rome, divided his estate between his daughters and...
Definition by Donald L. Wasson


Vitellius was Roman emperor from April to December 69 CE. Vitellius was the third of the four emperors who ruled the Roman Empire in the year 69 CE. One of his predecessors, Galba, who had replaced the fallen Emperor Nero, was murdered by...
Ten Caesars by Barry Strauss
Image by Barry Strauss

Ten Caesars by Barry Strauss

Ten Caesars: Roman Emperors from Augustus to Constantine