Search Results: Tibetan yoga secret doctrines dawa samdups


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Rubin Museum's Faith and Empire: Tibetan Buddhist Art
Interview by James Blake Wiener

Rubin Museum's Faith and Empire: Tibetan Buddhist Art

Faith and Empire: Art and Politics in Tibetan Buddhism, a new exhibition at the Rubin Museum of Art in New York, explores the dynamic historical intersection of politics, religion, and art as reflected through Tibetan Buddhism. The exhibition...
Tibetan Book of the Dead
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Tibetan Book of the Dead

The Tibetan Book of the Dead is the English translation of the Tibetan texts known as bar-do thos-grol (Bardo Thodol) – “Liberation Through Hearing During the Intermediate State” – and serves as a guide for the soul of the deceased after...
Tibetan Sand Mandalas
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Tibetan Sand Mandalas

Tibetan sand mandalas are works of art created to encourage healing, peace, and purification generally as well as spiritual or psychological focus specifically for those creating and viewing it. A mandala (Sanskrit for "circle") is a geometric...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


A sutra (Sanskrit for “thread”) is a written work in the belief systems of Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism which is understood to accurately preserve important teachings of the respective faiths and guide an adherent on the path from ignorance...
The Secret History of the Mongols
Definition by Mark Cartwright

The Secret History of the Mongols

The Secret History of the Mongols is a chronicle written in the 13th century CE (with some later additions) and is the most important and oldest medieval Mongolian text. The book covers the origins of the Mongol people, the rise to power...
Initiation of religions in India
Article by Sanujit

Initiation of religions in India

The religious practices of the early Indo-Aryans, known as the Vedic religion (1500 BCE to 500 BCE) were written down and later redacted into the Samhitas, four canonical collections of hymns or mantras, called the Veda, in archaic Sanskrit...
Interview: Living in Silverado: Secret Jews in the Silver Mining Towns of Colonial Mexico
Interview by James Blake Wiener

Interview: Living in Silverado: Secret Jews in the Silver Mining Towns of Colonial Mexico

Professor Emeritus David Gitlitz is one of the world’s leading experts on Jewish-Catholic interactions in Iberia and the Americas. While initially drawn to the literature of the Spanish Golden Age as a student at Oberlin and Harvard, the...
Religion in the Mongol Empire
Article by Mark Cartwright

Religion in the Mongol Empire

The Mongol Empire (1206-1368 CE) covered Asia from the Black Sea to the Korean peninsula and so naturally included all manner of religions within its borders, but the Mongols themselves had their own particular religious beliefs and rituals...
The Secret History of the Mongols Casket
Image by Xylan2016

The Secret History of the Mongols Casket

The ornate casket containing the 'Secret History of the Mongols' which is a chronicle written in the 13th century CE (with some later additions) and is the most important and oldest medieval Mongolian text. (Government Building, Ulaanbaatar...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Tara is a female deity in both Hinduism and Buddhism who personifies compassion and offers salvation from the suffering of rebirth and death. She is thought to have been born of empathy for the suffering world and is regularly invoked for...