Search Results: Stream of consciousness


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The Unicorn Crosses a Stream
Image by Hillary Smith

The Unicorn Crosses a Stream

"The Unicorn Crosses a Stream" is one of seven tapestries in the "Unicorn Tapestries" group. These allegorical tapestries depict the hunting of a unicorn, a mythological animal common to European folklore. In "The Unicorn Crosses a Stream,"...
Juan Ponce de León
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Juan Ponce de León

Juan Ponce de León (1474-1521) was a Spanish conquistador who led expeditions from Puerto Rico to the coast of Florida, giving the region its current name. He also served as the first governor of Puerto Rico and discovered the Gulf Stream...
Upanishads: Summary & Commentary
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Upanishads: Summary & Commentary

The Upanishads are among the best-known philosophical-religious works in the world and also among the oldest as the earliest texts are thought to have been composed between 800-500 BCE. These works are philosophical dialogues relating to...
The Protestant Reformation: Crash Course
Video by CrashCourse

The Protestant Reformation: Crash Course

You may have noticed that the internet is terrible at religious discourse. Well, this is not a new phenomenon. In the early 16th Century CE, the Roman Catholic church dominated Christianity in Europe, and the institution was starting to show...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Mahasanghika (“Great Congregation”, also given as Mahasamghika) was an early Buddhist school of thought which is thought to have been formed after the Second Buddhist Council of 383 BCE when it separated itself from another school, the Sthaviravada...
A Storm Eagle
Article by Joshua J. Mark

A Storm Eagle

A Storm Eagle is a Cheyenne story recounting a battle fought between the Cheyenne and Pawnee in the winter of 1854-1855 when the Cheyenne retrieved the horses that the Pawnee had stolen from the Arapaho, who were allies of the Cheyenne. The...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Myths are a part of every culture in the world and are used to explain natural phenomena, where a people came from and how their civilization developed, and why things happen as they do. At their most basic level, myths comfort by giving...
Baba Yaga
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga (Baba Jaga) is a witch or ogress from Slavic folklore who lives in a magical hut in the forest and either helps, imprisons, or eats people (usually children). She is among the most famous figures from Slavic folklore as guardian...
Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt - A Brief History
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt - A Brief History

The land of ancient Egypt was alive with the spirit of the gods. The sun god Ra broke from the darkness every morning in his great boat, bringing the light, and many of the gods watched over the people by night as the stars. Osiris caused...
New Gilgamesh Fragment: Enkidu's Sexual Exploits Doubled
Article by Sophus Helle

New Gilgamesh Fragment: Enkidu's Sexual Exploits Doubled

Sometimes it is the smallest discoveries that have the largest impact. When Alexandra Kleinerman and Alhena Gadotti found a new fragment of the Epic of Gilgamesh in 2015 CE, it did not seem to be particularly impressive. The broken tablet...