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Definition by Patrick Scott Smith, M. A.


Samuel is a character in the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament, uniquely depicted as having served several roles, as judge, military leader, seer, prophet, kingmaker, priestly official, and loyal servant of Yahweh. He is traditionally thought...
Samuel Adams
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams (1722-1803) was a prominent Patriot leader in the American Revolution (1765-1789), and a Founding Father of the United States. He was one of the most vocal opponents of 'taxation without representation', was a founding member...
King David
Definition by John S. Knox

King David

According to biblical tradition (and some say myth), David (c. 1035-970 BCE) was the second king in the ancient United Kingdom of Israel who helped establish the eternal throne of God. A former shepherd, David was renowned for his passion...
Samuel Bellamy
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Samuel Bellamy

Captain Samuel Bellamy, aka 'Black Sam' Bellamy (d. 1717), was a British pirate active during the Golden Age of Piracy (1690-1730). Bellamy’s final ship Whydah was wrecked off Cape Cod in a storm, and the pirate captain drowned along with...
David & Goliath
Article by Rebecca Denova

David & Goliath

As a youngster, David (the later king of Israel), slew Goliath, a giant, who was the champion of Israel’s enemy, the Philistines. "David and Goliath" became a metaphor for an underdog who nevertheless is victorious over a more powerful opponent...
David Anointed by Samuel
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

David Anointed by Samuel

Samuel anointing David, Byzantine silver plate, made in Constantinople, 629-630. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Samuel de Champlain arrives to Quebec
Image by George Agnew Reid

Samuel de Champlain arrives to Quebec

A painting from 1909 portraying the arrival of Samuel de Champlain, the father of New France, on the site of Quebec City. Samuel de Champlain (c. 1567-1635) was a French explorer who made multiple trips across the Atlantic Ocean. He founded...
Samuel Pepys
Image by National Maritime Museum

Samuel Pepys

Samuel Pepys (1633-1703), oil on canvas by Godfrey Kneller, 1689, a superb portrait that reveals both the truculence and intelligence of Samuel Pepys. His life-long friend, William Hewer, also had his portrait done by Sir Godfrey Kneller...
Salem Witch Trials
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Salem Witch Trials

The Salem Witch Trials were a series of legal proceedings in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692-1693 resulting in the deaths of 20 innocent people accused of witchcraft and the vilification of over 200 others based, initially, on the reports of...
Samuel Relating to Eli the Judgements of God upon Eli's House
Image by John Singleton Copley

Samuel Relating to Eli the Judgements of God upon Eli's House

Samuel Relating to Eli the Judgements of God upon Eli's House, oil on canvas by John Singleton Copley, 1780. Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut.