Search Results: Queen sacred way devotional persephone


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Definition by Mark Cartwright


Persephone (aka Kore) was the Greek goddess of agriculture and vegetation, especially grain, and the wife of Hades, the ruler of the Underworld. Persephone was an important element of the Eleusinian Mysteries and the Thesmophoria festival...
Sacred Band of Thebes
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Sacred Band of Thebes

The Sacred Band of Thebes was an elite unit of the Theban army comprised of 150 gay male couples totaling 300 men. They were formed under the leadership of Gorgidas but first achieved fame under the general Pelopidas. They remained invincible...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Demeter was one of the oldest gods in the ancient Greek pantheon. Demeter was a goddess of agriculture and guaranteed the fertility of the earth. She protected both farming and vegetation. The close connection with the earth was inherited...
Definition by Harrison W. Mark


In ancient Greek mythology, Zagreus is a god closely associated with the wine god Dionysus, the underworld, and hunting. A son of Zeus and Persephone, he is known in the Orphic tradition as the first incarnation of Dionysus, whilst other...
Sacred Way, Asklepieion of Pergamon
Image by Carole Raddato

Sacred Way, Asklepieion of Pergamon

The connection between Pergamon city and the sacred area of Asklepieion was provided through a sacred road of 1 km built during the Roman Empire period. The sacred road had arches and was covered with vaults.
Seven Sacred Rites of the Lakota Sioux
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Seven Sacred Rites of the Lakota Sioux

The Seven Sacred Rites of the Lakota Sioux (Seven Sacred Rites of the Lakota Oyate) are the spiritual observances of the Native American Sioux nation that maintain their relationship with the Great Mystery/Great Spirit Wakan Tanka, the creative...
Persephone-Kore the Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld
Video by Kelly Macquire

Persephone-Kore the Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld

Persephone-Kore was an agricultural deity as the goddess of spring, vegetation, and of grain, but she was also the Queen of the underworld and wife of Hades and, to the Romans, she was known as Proserpina. She was the daughter of Zeus, king...
Travelling Along the Lycian Way
Article by Theresa Thompson

Travelling Along the Lycian Way

The Lycian Way follows over 540km (335 miles) of ancient roadways, mule tracks and shepherds' paths along one of Turkey's most remote and untouched coastlines. Theresa Thompson discovers the joys of following the trail and finding the ancient...
Persephone, Queen of the Underworld
Video by Kelly Macquire

Persephone, Queen of the Underworld

Learn all about the myth and legend of Persephone! Kelly Macquire tells the story of the goddess of grain and the queen of the underworld in Greek Mythology, Persephone. Persephone, also known as Kore or Proserpina is the Greek goddess...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Kykeon (from the Greek “to mix, stir”) was a beverage of water and barley (sometimes flavored with mint or thyme) popular among the working, 'lower' class of ancient Greece. In Homer's Illiad it is described as a mixture of water...