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Definition by N.S. Palmer


Euclid of Alexandria (lived c. 300 BCE) systematized ancient Greek and Near Eastern mathematics and geometry. He wrote The Elements, the most widely used mathematics and geometry textbook in history. Older books sometimes confuse him with...
The Dexileos Stele: A Study of Aristocracy and Democracy in Greek Art
Article by James Lloyd

The Dexileos Stele: A Study of Aristocracy and Democracy in Greek Art

The Dexileos Stele assesses the way that Athenian political thought penetrated all levels of society, showing the conflict that the aristocratic classes were faced with in trying to find their place within the Athenian Democracy. As a visual...
The Intervention of the Sabine Women
Image by Jacques-Louis David

The Intervention of the Sabine Women

Painting by Jacques-Louis David (1748–1825), oil on canvas, 1799. On display at the Louvre Museum, Paris, France. The Abduction (or Rape) of the Sabine Women is an episode in the legendary history of Rome, traditionally said to have taken...
Siege of Charleston
Article by Harrison W. Mark

Siege of Charleston

The Siege of Charleston (29 March to 12 May 1780) was a major military operation during the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). Hoping to establish a foothold in the American South, British commander-in-chief Sir Henry Clinton led an...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


L. Mestrius Plutarchus, better known simply as Plutarch, was a Greek writer and philosopher who lived between c. 45-50 CE and c. 120-125 CE. A prodigious and hugely influential writer, he is now most famous for his biographical works in his...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Carnac, located on the north-west coast of France, is the site of the largest concentration of megalithic monuments in the world. Over 100 monuments, which include burial mounds, stone tombs, enclosures, and linear arrangements of menhirs...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


A ziggurat is a form of monumental architecture originating in ancient Mesopotamia which usually had a rectangular base and was built in a series of steps up to a flat platform upon which a temple was raised. The ziggurat was an artificial...
Galileo Galilei
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was an Italian mathematician, physicist, astronomer, and natural philosopher. He created a superior telescope with which he made new observations of the night sky, notably that the surface of the Moon has mountains...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Located in the foothills of the Chiapas altiplano of modern Mexico, Palenque was an important Maya city which flourished between c. 600 and 750 CE. The name Palenque derives from the Spanish, meaning 'fortified place', but the original Maya...
Definition by Patrick Scott Smith, M. A.


Samuel is a character in the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament, uniquely depicted as having served several roles, as judge, military leader, seer, prophet, kingmaker, priestly official, and loyal servant of Yahweh. He is traditionally thought...