Search Results: Parallel bible large print hardcover


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Definition by Joshua J. Mark


The Bible takes its name from the Latin Biblia ('book' or 'books') which comes from the Greek Ta Biblia ('the books') traced to the Phoenician port city of Gebal, known as Byblos to the Greeks. Writing became associated with Byblos as an...
Passover in the Hebrew Bible
Article by William Brown

Passover in the Hebrew Bible

Passover is a Jewish festival celebrated since at least the 5th century BCE, typically associated with the tradition of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. According to historical evidence and modern-day practice, the festival was...
Threshing Floors of the Bible
Article by Patrick Scott Smith, M. A.

Threshing Floors of the Bible

The threshing floors of the Bible were outdoor stone floors, usually circular in fashion, used by farmers to process the grain of their crops. For the larger community, like watermills of the recent past, they could be gathering places bustling...
Mud-Brick With a Dog's Paw Print from Ur
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Mud-Brick With a Dog's Paw Print from Ur

This mud-brick was stamped with the name and titles of the Neo-Sumerian king Ur-nammu (reigned 2047-2030 BCE, short chronology). Note the dog's paw print; this "footprint" might well have been "stamped" accidentally during the formation/dryness...
Chinese woodblock print
Image by The Trustees of the British Museum

Chinese woodblock print

Woodblock print in the shangtu xiawen format (illustration above, text below) from the 9th century CE, Tang Dynasty. The top part shows the seated Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, flanked by two inscribed cartouches. The bottom part contains a...
Japanese Woodblock Print Depicting a Courtesan
Image by The Trustees of the British Museum

Japanese Woodblock Print Depicting a Courtesan

Woodblock print depicting the courtesan Chojiya-uchi Chozan with her young attendant (kamuro) and friend preparing to smoke, by Suzuki Harunobu, Japan, 1765-1770.
The Large Theatre of Pompeii
Image by Carole Raddato

The Large Theatre of Pompeii

The Large Theatre of Pompeii was built in the 2nd century BCE in the Greek type and carved into the natural slope of the hill. During the reign of Augustus, the theatre was significantly restored and enlarged according to the Roman style...
The Large Piece of Turf by Dürer
Image by Google Cultural Institute

The Large Piece of Turf by Dürer

The watercolour The Large Piece of Turf by the German Renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528). 1503 CE. (Albertina, Vienna)
Girl in a Large Hat by Cassatt
Image by

Girl in a Large Hat by Cassatt

A c. 1908 pastel on paper, Girl in a Large Hat, by Mary Cassatt (1844-1926), the American impressionist painter. (Private Collection)
Tyndale Bible
Image by Steve Bennett

Tyndale Bible

A detail of a Tyndale Bible, the first English translations of that work, carried out by William Tyndale (c. 1494–1536). (Bodleian Library, University of Oxford)